I know im about to take hits from both sides, BUT im a old retired get off my lawn guy,
in 1979 when i started ATC, There were very few women and minorities in the FAA. Every white male wore a white shirt and black pants with a skinny tie to work, You did not get promoted unless you played golf or was your Managers / Supervisors buddy. You would not be promoted or get to go to another Facility unless you sucked up to the folks above you, pay to play. So we needed some sort of DEI, Well we got diversity and some say even more. Maybe lack of talent. have we swung too far, maybe, but the pendulum of change always over swings, We will come to point I believe, not soon, but we will get there, where we have a balance of both, We wont disqualify or qualify based on your gender or race but finally pick a candidate based on true merit. We have a long way to go, when we cant even have this discussion without sharp verbal barbs come from people online that you would never say to someone's face. If you truly have issues with the world around you, state the change you would like to see in a calm rational well formulated plan or idea. you are part of the problem if you just spew hate and key word scoring points and walk away thinking I won that round.