HAZARD PAY for Covid-19 Pandemic?

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Should FAA ATCers be getting hazard pay for working despite state of emergency and a worldwide pandemic? Will controllers end up getting it? Most conditions that require federal Hazardous Duty Pay are paid out at a 25% rate. I believe it should be paid, but probably wont be. 🙁 Mgmt seems to not even think there are any risks. Discuss.

Article 81.png

5 CFR Subpart I - Pay for Duty Involving Physical Hardship or Hazard



Definitely should be receiving hazard pay. Unfortunately it will most likely be at a case to case basis, and only if someone at a facility tests positive. However, the lack of effective protection from it and test availability can’t guarantee that we all haven’t been exposed in the workplace. We shouldn’t have to prove that we have been exposed to it to receive the pay.
The schedule of pay differentials also outlines this specific issue, at a 25% differential.

Exposure to hazardous agents, work with or in close proximity to:

(5) Virulent biologicals. Materials of micro-organic nature which when introduced to the body are likely to cause serious disease or fatality and for which protective devices to not afford complete protection.
Bring on the hazard pay, it’s legit the biggest things since WW2. Which is absolutely fucked, this should not have been the end of civilization but it is because we (society) chose it to be. Even if literally everyone in America got it statistically the number who died would be about 350,000 (and I won’t even consider that 97% of the deaths would be very elderly people or those with lots of other issues). That should not have been worth throwing the constitution and everything else away over but look how easy it happen.
Bring on the hazard pay, it’s legit the biggest things since WW2. Which is absolutely fucked, this should not have been the end of civilization but it is because we (society) chose it to be. Even if literally everyone in America got it statistically the number who died would be about 350,000 (and I won’t even consider that 97% of the deaths would be very elderly people or those with lots of other issues). That should not have been worth throwing the constitution and everything else away over but look how easy it happen.
Thus far, roughly four percent of the people who have been confirmed as having COVID19 have died. That also doesn’t include the three percent currently in critical condition. The current US population is estimated at 331M so if a 4% mortality rate is correct, would be 13.2M people dead! This is a big issue especially if hospitals can’t help people recover because they don’t have the resources.
Thus far, roughly four percent of the people who have been confirmed as having COVID19 have died. That also doesn’t include the three percent currently in critical condition. The current US population is estimated at 331M so if a 4% mortality rate is correct, would be 13.2M people dead! This is a big issue especially if hospitals can’t help people recover because they don’t have the resources.
But far more people have it, never get tested, and are totally asymptomatic. Real mortality is under 1%
But far more people have it, never get tested, and are totally asymptomatic. Real mortality is under 1%

YEs a ton of people get it and are either asymptomic or just get the sniffles. Its like online reviews... people generally only leave them after a negative experience so they're skewed to the bad. That said, the Italy numbers (granted they have different population and circumstances) are horror movie scary. I'm hoping for the best, but afraid NYC is going to look like that next week.
Even at 1% that’s a hell of a lot more people than the 350K that FI posted.
My math was wrong it would be 3.2 million dead. Good thing everyone in America won’t get it, even the worst doomsday scenario statistics I seen by any reliable source pin the max possible death rate at a few hundred thousand (still high but not 3.2 million high).
Bring on the hazard pay, it’s legit the biggest things since WW2. Which is absolutely fucked, this should not have been the end of civilization but it is because we (society) chose it to be. Even if literally everyone in America got it statistically the number who died would be about 350,000 (and I won’t even consider that 97% of the deaths would be very elderly people or those with lots of other issues). That should not have been worth throwing the constitution and everything else away over but look how easy it happen.
Mortality rate is only part of the problem. If you do nothing cuz ‘Merica then it spreads like a dry brush fire and how many will need a hospital bed? How many will need an ICU bed? Or a ventilator? We can’t even protect our nurses and our graph had just begun the curve upwards. We can’t even test unless you’re symptomatic or traveled XYZ etc.
Bring on the hazard pay, it’s legit the biggest things since WW2. Which is absolutely fucked, this should not have been the end of civilization but it is because we (society) chose it to be. Even if literally everyone in America got it statistically the number who died would be about 350,000 (and I won’t even consider that 97% of the deaths would be very elderly people or those with lots of other issues). That should not have been worth throwing the constitution and everything else away over but look how easy it happen.

If we didn't shut down society, in a month there would literally be 20 people needing a ventilator for every ventilator available. And it wouldn't be 97% old diabetic smokers dying, not even close. 20% of hospitalisations for COVID-19 in the US so far are in the 20-44 age group, which is remarkably even (20-44 age group is 35% of the population as a whole). In other words, young people aren't dying because seriously ill young people are responding a lot better to treatment in a hospital. How do you feel about your chances when you can't get a hospital bed?
If we didn't shut down society, in a month there would literally be 20 people needing a ventilator for every ventilator available. And it wouldn't be 97% old diabetic smokers dying, not even close. 20% of hospitalisations for COVID-19 in the US so far are in the 20-44 age group, which is remarkably even (20-44 age group is 35% of the population as a whole). In other words, young people aren't dying because seriously ill young people are responding a lot better to treatment in a hospital. How do you feel about your chances when you can't get a hospital bed?
If there was a bowl of 100 skittles but 1 would kill you. Would you eat a skittle?
That’s the best analogy I’ve heard so far.
If there was a bowl of 100 skittles but 1 would kill you. Would you eat a skittle?
That’s the best analogy I’ve heard so far.

Is it a good analogy? What's it an analogy for? I'd be making a choice to eat the skittle. I'm not choosing to contract the virus.
I would dump the bowl of skittles. But what would be the Coronavirus equivalent? Probably holing up in the house, not allowing my wife or roommate out.
If the implication is that you have a 1% chance of dying from the virus, then with all the unknowns surrounding it, if I don't like the 1% odds, then I definitely should be calling out every day, and really I shouldn't even be out buying groceries.
Hazard pay is the least they can do for those showing up to work. If those not working for whatever reason end up getting excused leave, which I'm not saying I disagree with, there has to be some incentive for those that keep showing up to work.
So how many lawsuits will the Faa deal with after this. We had a chick show up after a vacation 2 weeks ago with a fever and her doctor saying she had “some kind of respiratory infection” and she worked the rest of the week. Now there are a few controllers getting tested for covid, I bitched to the sup on duty as soon as I saw her. If they test positive I’m going to lose my shit
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