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Mick Devine Candidate for New England RVP
Mick Devine is the current three-term President of NATCA Local BOS. He won a one-year term at BOS in 2014, was re-elected for a two year term in 2015, and ran unopposed for a third term in 2017, which would run January 1, 2018- December 31, 2019. Mick served as the Alternate Regional Vice President (ARVP) for NATCA New England Region alongside ARVP Kevin Bianchi. He was appointed to this position by the current Regional Vice President Michael Robicheau in 2017. Mick’s first elected position in NATCA was at Boston Tower; where he has worked since he was hired in 2007. He was elected Local Secretary in 2009, and has served on numerous committees and workgroups since. Mick always encourages other members to become involved in affecting the future of Boston Tower and the NATCA BOS Local. As Local President at BOS, Mick is always on the hunt for interested members to take on new roles. From day 1, Mick sought out to change the stagnant, oligarchical manor in which Boston Tower’s local was lead for years, and preached a “Leadership Through We” mantra. Mick found leaders, mentored them, empowered them and set them up to succeed. Advice Mick got early in his presidency really became a building block of how he lead— He always allowed his members to own their success while he, himself, would own their failures.
Mick has always pushed his executive board to find and develop their replacements. Then, tasked them with finding and developing theirs. Another great piece of advice Mick got early in his role as President was that “You aren’t a leader until you’ve developed a leader who has developed a leader.” Mick has always preached “An educated local is a strong local.” Living true to this philosophy, BOS Local has invested a high percentage of their budget into the education of its members.
In 1995, Mick attended the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. His major was Mechanical Engineering. In 1996, Mick joined the United States Marine Corps. His profession of choice was the most difficult for an enlisted Marine: Aerial Navigator. Out of the 48 Marines that qualified for the selection board to the school, 18 were accepted, Mick went on to become one of only three to finally graduate as a Marine Aerial Navigator. Assigned to KC-130s, Mick flew in combative airspace over Northern Iraq and Kosovo in 1999 and 2000. In 2001, Mick received an honorable discharge and proceeded to continue his education. From 2002-2004, he attended Columbia University, he majored in Applied Mathematics and Combinatorics. While working at Boston Tower in 2010-2012, Mick taught Air Traffic Control at Daniel Webster College.
Mick was brought up in a union household and his activism started early. When he was 10 years old, in 1986, he joined the Screen Actors’ Guild. From 1993-2007, Mick was a member of the New York City Dockbuilders Union, Local 1456. Most notably, since being hired by the FAA in 2007, Mick has been an active NATCA member.
Mick was born in Brooklyn, NY in 1976. He was raised in Nassau County, NY. He currently lives in Londonderry, NH with his wife Kelly Devine, who is also a NATCA member and controller at BOS, their two daughters Bella and Ely, and their newborn son Mickey.
“I am a candidate in an election of my own here in New England. While I explained to every caller that I support Paul and Trish, and truly always have, I have asked the people of New England to take time out of their lives to listen to what I have to say about how I’d like to change the direction of NATCA New England. Because New England members had 7 months from when I announced my candidacy until the time they have to cast a vote, I requested that they wait to make a decision and hear all the candidate’s positions. How can I request that and then turn around and give an endorsement on a national election. I don’t know Bryan Zilones, only of him, but in my opinion, he has earned the right to be heard. He has sacrificed his family life to give people a choice, and unless you’ve been in that position, you don’t know the true sacrifice that really is.”
Mick Devine is the current three-term President of NATCA Local BOS. He won a one-year term at BOS in 2014, was re-elected for a two year term in 2015, and ran unopposed for a third term in 2017, which would run January 1, 2018- December 31, 2019. Mick served as the Alternate Regional Vice President (ARVP) for NATCA New England Region alongside ARVP Kevin Bianchi. He was appointed to this position by the current Regional Vice President Michael Robicheau in 2017. Mick’s first elected position in NATCA was at Boston Tower; where he has worked since he was hired in 2007. He was elected Local Secretary in 2009, and has served on numerous committees and workgroups since. Mick always encourages other members to become involved in affecting the future of Boston Tower and the NATCA BOS Local. As Local President at BOS, Mick is always on the hunt for interested members to take on new roles. From day 1, Mick sought out to change the stagnant, oligarchical manor in which Boston Tower’s local was lead for years, and preached a “Leadership Through We” mantra. Mick found leaders, mentored them, empowered them and set them up to succeed. Advice Mick got early in his presidency really became a building block of how he lead— He always allowed his members to own their success while he, himself, would own their failures.
Mick has always pushed his executive board to find and develop their replacements. Then, tasked them with finding and developing theirs. Another great piece of advice Mick got early in his role as President was that “You aren’t a leader until you’ve developed a leader who has developed a leader.” Mick has always preached “An educated local is a strong local.” Living true to this philosophy, BOS Local has invested a high percentage of their budget into the education of its members.
In 1995, Mick attended the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. His major was Mechanical Engineering. In 1996, Mick joined the United States Marine Corps. His profession of choice was the most difficult for an enlisted Marine: Aerial Navigator. Out of the 48 Marines that qualified for the selection board to the school, 18 were accepted, Mick went on to become one of only three to finally graduate as a Marine Aerial Navigator. Assigned to KC-130s, Mick flew in combative airspace over Northern Iraq and Kosovo in 1999 and 2000. In 2001, Mick received an honorable discharge and proceeded to continue his education. From 2002-2004, he attended Columbia University, he majored in Applied Mathematics and Combinatorics. While working at Boston Tower in 2010-2012, Mick taught Air Traffic Control at Daniel Webster College.
Mick was brought up in a union household and his activism started early. When he was 10 years old, in 1986, he joined the Screen Actors’ Guild. From 1993-2007, Mick was a member of the New York City Dockbuilders Union, Local 1456. Most notably, since being hired by the FAA in 2007, Mick has been an active NATCA member.
Mick was born in Brooklyn, NY in 1976. He was raised in Nassau County, NY. He currently lives in Londonderry, NH with his wife Kelly Devine, who is also a NATCA member and controller at BOS, their two daughters Bella and Ely, and their newborn son Mickey.
“I am a candidate in an election of my own here in New England. While I explained to every caller that I support Paul and Trish, and truly always have, I have asked the people of New England to take time out of their lives to listen to what I have to say about how I’d like to change the direction of NATCA New England. Because New England members had 7 months from when I announced my candidacy until the time they have to cast a vote, I requested that they wait to make a decision and hear all the candidate’s positions. How can I request that and then turn around and give an endorsement on a national election. I don’t know Bryan Zilones, only of him, but in my opinion, he has earned the right to be heard. He has sacrificed his family life to give people a choice, and unless you’ve been in that position, you don’t know the true sacrifice that really is.”