ATSAP whisperer
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What the fuck kind of spin is this? The person running for EVP called small locals “NATCA welfare facilities”. How can he say he represents everyone fairly and equally when he has this mindset.Did Mick just endorse expanding SRF-12? Where did he stand on this issue prior to this video?
Huh??What the fuck kind of spin is this? The person running for EVP called small locals “NATCA welfare facilities”. How can he say he represents everyone fairly and equally when he has this mindset.
How much of his expenses does he have NATCA reimburse him for?
You avoid the actual topic in the post and try to do a whataboutism. Jamaal said this on a microphone at convention in front of everyone. He views brothers and sisters of this union as welfare facilities, that is language meant to divide and something a leader should never say about a union he is representing
What leadership position you gunning for?Huh??
So I'm guessing you don't know Mick's stance on expanding SRF-12. A candidate publicly endorsing increasing SRF-12 would be big news.
Get. A. Grip. You seriously need to call AEP and talk through your mental issues with someone.
No where did i defend Jamaal. Mick brings up the opponents opposition to the amendment to expand SRF-12. Jamaal's shit take doesn't alleviate Mick from having a stance on the same subject. Does Mick just disagree with langauge used by Jamaal, and agree with the opposition to the amendment? Pretty straight forward question.This post is about Jamaal calling small facilities “Natca welfare”.
You turned it into micks stance on srf12 facilities. Your comment has nothing to do with the topic of this post, all my comments are on topic.
You realized this stance can’t be defended and tried turning it Into something completely unrelated. That level of cuckery for 2 men is unheard of and may be borderline unhealthy obsobsession.
I don’t know ask Mick. Jamaal literally called Natca members “welfare facilities” mick pointed that out.
Nick and Jamaal have preached how important it is to build our membership up with training but when presented with the chance to increase training for these members Jamaal called it a welfare request. Proving all they are doing is political speak and have no intention of accomplishing whatever it is they’re trying to say they’re going to do besides take down a wall in an office.
No no no you’re wrong he finally admitted this happened but he only pushed Kevin in the face not punched him in the face.i watched dude suckerpunch a member for telling Jamaal that he worked for us
i guess this statement shows how he really feels about the members
This is another lie and blatant misinformation.You avoid the actual topic in the post and try to do a whataboutism. Jamaal said this on a microphone at convention in front of everyone.
I’m sorry what’s a lie?This is another lie and blatant misinformation.
Oh man I was hoping you took that bait so you could lose all credibility here’s the transcript from the convention:You said Jamaal said this at convention in front of everyone. That is false.
Imagine his supporters saying he didn’t say something that is literally archived. That campaign will obviously lie to us all to try and win. Sad. The best part is this amendment wasn’t even to get 100% reimbursed, these brothers and sisters were asking for 50% reimbursement to train our union members. To empower our members. When it becomes a reality and not a buzz word we get the true nick and jamaalImagine saying that when your entire facility is across the street from CFS and ATX