NDJH - Levels Four Through Nine

What were the complaints then?

The FAA/facilities would prefer to avoid bids because of the HR red tape and having to follow government rules about hiring (vet pref, interview process, etc).

But thats not why you see less job bids. Part of it is having a centralized system for ERRs makes it way easier to see the demand for your facility. Before, you'd run this parallel process where your facility might have a bid out, but then you'd also pull an ERR list and hope there were people on it.
Second, I think the change from a staffing range to a hard number makes things more difficult.
Would it be though? Might the case for a couple DENs and IAHs, but the majority of those high-level radar facilities don't exactly have transfers beating down their door.

People want the 12 pay but don’t want to go to where most of the 12’s are. I can’t say I blame them but the facts are the facts.
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