I guess I don't really understand if you're going to separate but willing to re enlist. But. To give you answers, big air force will give you a CTO maybe, but its not guaranteed. Guard can and will give you a CTO if enlisted in that specific UTC (package) and go through the ropes. Basic I'd 8 week, tech school is 4 months, upgrade training anywhere between 4 -9 months. ATC requires a six year commitment but the only big requirement that you have to please is the initial training and 2 weeks of training in the summer a year. Other option is to go to somewhere like advanced ATC, pay for it and come out with a CTO. Not sure if there are any CTI schools that offer a CTO any more or not, but that would be your final option. Always take a peek on USAJOBS for jobs that are looking for people that you could qualify for and maybe get a CTO out of. I've heard of it working the other way (IE someone goes to a army base with just a CTO, and they get them a radar rating while there). Your only options being radar only contract wise are Overseas. As many have said, the FAA doesn't really care, it's just a crap shoot of applying/making it through / waiting. Majority of everything I've ever said has been mentioned a few times on this forum so feel free to search around. There's some great information here. And some shitty advice too