Shoot The Breeze

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It’s wild that there can be conservative-minded individuals that think outside they’re party prescribed lines. The centrist republicans are the loveliest individuals out there
I don’t really label myself as anything. I just decide if someone sounds good to me or not and go with that. I also follow politics fairly closely so the fact that I see a tweet by AOC that got 100k likes isn’t very surprising.
Conservatives: Pull yourself up by your bootstraps! If minorities want to be a part of this country they should join our society and work their way up like the rest of us!

AOC: *Interns for a senator, graduates college with a double major in international relations and economics, works to support her family, gets elected to Congress, shows the public how Congress works by live-streaming descriptions of her day while making dinner*

Conservatives: No, not like that!

Like seriously, what the hell can you find to criticize her for?
I don’t really label myself as anything. I just decide if someone sounds good to me or not and go with that. I also follow politics fairly closely so the fact that I see a tweet by AOC that got 100k likes isn’t very surprising.
If you mention AOC one more time Ben Shapiro is going to come in here and ask for feet pics
Conservatives: Pull yourself up by your bootstraps! If minorities want to be a part of this country they should join our society and work their way up like the rest of us!

AOC: *Interns for a senator, graduates college with a double major in international relations and economics, works to support her family, gets elected to Congress, shows the public how Congress works by live-streaming descriptions of her day while making dinner*

Conservatives: No, not like that!

Like seriously, what the hell can you find to criticize her for?
The New Green Deal? Quite ridiculous
Conservatives: Pull yourself up by your bootstraps! If minorities want to be a part of this country they should join our society and work their way up like the rest of us!

AOC: *Interns for a senator, graduates college with a double major in international relations and economics, works to support her family, gets elected to Congress, shows the public how Congress works by live-streaming descriptions of her day while making dinner*

Conservatives: No, not like that!

Like seriously, what the hell can you find to criticize her for?
I admire her hustle, but I don't think she's brilliant or anything. But my god, it triggers guys like Motodog so much that she's smarter in a coma then they are on their best day. "You quoted AOC? Durrrrrrr." Fucking clowns, the lot of them. "Green New Deal? I don't understand it, but orange Daddy says it bad!"
I admire her hustle, but I don't think she's brilliant or anything. But my god, it triggers guys like Motodog so much that she's smarter in a coma then they are on their best day. "You quoted AOC? Durrrrrrr." Fucking clowns, the lot of them. "Green New Deal? I don't understand it, but orange Daddy says it bad!"
now we’re hearing from the minds of children that think the new green deal is not a silly joke. No airplanes....ummm, wouldn’t that mean no ATC?

now we’re hearing from the minds of children that think the new green deal is not a silly joke. No airplanes....ummm, wouldn’t that mean no ATC?
Hey bud, your mom is calling. Come downstairs for your pizza rolls.
Why are you so obsessed with her? Ben Shapiro is on .65?
Maybe Ben could debate her on the fact that her new green deal ignores economic reality. Or really..any kind of reality, haha. If we get free college, do we all get our $ back, the ones that paid?
Maybe Ben could debate her on the fact that her new green deal ignores economic reality. Or really..any kind of reality, haha. If we get free college, do we all get our $ back, the ones that paid?
Again, you comment yet ignore the point of the question. Thanks for coming here to “own the libs”. I bet you’re a great time at parties
God. Whether you agree with AOCs politics or not it’s not hard to see that she’s smarter than Shapiro. That guy is the worst.
Again, you comment yet ignore the point of the question. Thanks for coming here to “own the libs”. I bet you’re a great time at parties
already forgot the question, haha. Btw, the party was last week. We didn’t invite hosers ?
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