I think this is only true for a very specific group of young people with money. $1200 is nothing in the context of 25 million + people being unemployed, and they wont magically be rehired overnight. You can burn down the economy a hell of a lot quicker than you can build it back up. Even the moron stock cheerleaders on CNBC have stopped saying "V-shaped recovery". People are going to want to go to Disney and other traditional vacation hotspots, but not NEARLY in pre-Covid19 numbers. Look at pro sports... 0 chance there are fans in the stands for MLB, NBA/NHL Playoffs, PGA or even NFL games this fall. Perhaps it will be a return to past Americana where road trips become cool again. Gas is cheap, and so too will cars be soon! Just wait to see the car rebates this summer.
It would be amazing if they offered early retirements out of the #BestjobinTheWorld , but I don't see any way it happens. like
FightingIrish2012 said, they aren't run like a business and could care less if the relative level of productivity of their workers Is commensurate w staffing. Probably be a good chance to go part time though in facilities where it previously wouldn't have been possible... although we know anything new or dynamic or outside the box will make them break out in hives. I think furlough is possible, but someone brings up a good point about it being an election year. Trump gave everyone a RAISE last year and probably will again, even though we know that is against his natural inclination toward feds. So doubt he will furlough.