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    Use authorized control and clearance symbols or abbreviations for recording clearances, reports, and instructions. Control status of aircraft must always be current. You may use:

    1. Plain language markings when it will aid in understanding information.
    2. Locally approved identifiers. Use these only within your facility and not on teletypewriter or interphone circuits.
    3. Plain sheets of paper or locally prepared forms to record information when flight progress strips are not used. (See TBL 2-3-11 and TBL 2-3-12.)
    4. Control Information Symbols. (See FIG 2-3-7 and FIG 2-3-8.)
    TBL 2-3-11 Clearance Abbreviations
    Abbreviation Meaning
    A Cleared to airport (point of intended landing)
    B Center clearance delivered
    C ATC clears (when clearance relayed through non-ATC facility)
    CAF Cleared as filed
    D Cleared to depart from the fix
    F Cleared to the fix
    H Cleared to hold and instructions issued
    L Cleared to land
    N Clearance not delivered
    O Cleared to the outer marker
    PD Cleared to climb/descend at pilot's discretion
    Q Cleared to fly specified sectors of a NAVAID defined in terms of courses, bearings, radials or quadrants within a designated radius.
    T Cleared through (for landing and takeoff through intermediate point)
    V Cleared over the fix
    X Cleared to cross (airway, route, radial) at (point)
    Z Tower jurisdiction
    TBL 2-3-12 Miscellaneous Abbreviations
    Abbreviations Meaning
    BC Back course approach
    CT Contact approach
    FA Final approach
    FMS Flight management system approach
    GPS GPS approach
    I Initial approach
    ILS ILS approach
    MA Missed approach
    NDB Nondirectional radio beacon approach
    OTP VFR conditions-on-top
    PA Precision approach
    PT Procedure turn
    RA Resolution advisory (Pilot reported TCAS event)
    RH Runway heading
    RNAV Area navigation approach
    RP Report immediately upon passing (fix/altitude)
    RX Report crossing
    SA Surveillance approach
    SI Straight-in approach
    TA TACAN approach
    TL Turn left
    TR Turn right
    VA Visual approach
    VR VOR approach
    FIG 2-3-7 Control Information Symbols [Part 1]
    Symbols Meaning
    T → ( ) Depart (direction, if specified)
    Climb and maintain
    Descend and maintain
    @ At
    X Cross
    M Maintain
    Join or intercept airway/jet route/track or course
                  While in controlled airspace
    Δ While in control area
    ↘︎Δ Enter control area
    ↗︎Δ Out of control area
    ↗︎ NE
    Cleared to enter, depart or through surface area. Indicated direction of flight by arrow and appropriate compass letter. Maintain Special VFR conditions (altitude, if appropriate) while in surface area.
    250 K Aircraft requested to adjust speed to 250 knots.
    -20 K Aircraft requested to reduce speed 20 knots.
    +30 K Aircraft requested to increase speed 30 knots.
    W Local Special VFR operations in the vicinity of (name) airport are authorized until (time). Maintain Special VFR conditions (altitude if appropriate).
    < Before
    > After or Past
          170 Inappropriate altitude/flight level for direction of flight. (Underline assigned altitude/flight level in red).
    / Until
    ( ) Alternate instructions
    Restriction Restriction
    At or Below
    At or Above
    - (Dash) From-to (route, time, etc.)
    (Alt)B(Alt) Indicates a block altitude assignment. Altitudes area inclusive, and the first altitude shall be lower than the second. Example: 310B370
    v < Clearance void if aircraft not off ground by (time)
    NOTE: The absence of an airway route number between two fixes in the route of flight indicates "direct"; no symbol or abbreviation is required.
    FIG 2-3-8 Control Information Symbols [Part 2]
    CL Pilot canceled flight plan
    EN ROUTE: Aircraft has reported at assigned altitude. Example: 80✓
    TERMINAL/FSS: Information forwarded (indicated information forwarded as required)
    EN ROUTE: Information or revised information forwarded. (Circle, in red, inappropriate altitude/flight level for direction of flight or other control information when coordinated. Also circle, in red, the time (minutes and altitude) when a flight plan or estimate is forwarded. Use method in both inter-center and intra-center coordination.
    50 Other than assigned altitude reported (circle reported altitude)
    10H6 DME holding (use with mileages)(Upper figure indicates distance from station to DME fix, lower figure indicates length of holding pattern.) In this example, the DME fix is 10 miles out with a 6 mile pattern indicated.
    (mi.)(dir.) DME arc of VORTAC, TACAN, or MLS.
    C―(freq.) Contact (facility) on (freq.), (time, fix, or altitude if appropriate). Insert frequency only when it is other than standard.
    R Radar Contact
    R EN ROUTE: Requested altitude (preceding altitude information)
    R Radar service terminated
    R Radar contact lost
    RV Radar vector
    RV Pilot resumed own navigation
    R Radar handoff (circle symbol when handoff completed)
    P Point out initiated. Indicate the appropriate facility, sector or position. Example: PZFW.
    FUEL Minimum fuel
    NOTE: The absence of an airway route number between two fixes in the route of flight indicates "direct"; no symbol or abbreviation is required.
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