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  • 2-4-17. NUMBERS USAGE

    interpretation 2

    State numbers as follows:

    1. Serial numbers. The separate digits.
      • EXAMPLE
      • Number Statement
        11,495 “One one four niner five.”
        20,069 “Two zero zero six niner.”
    2. Altitudes or flight levels:
      1. Altitudes. Pronounce each digit in the number of hundreds or thousands followed by the word “hundred” or “thousand” as appropriate.
        • EXAMPLE
        • Number Statement
          10,000 “One zero thousand.”
          11,000 “One one thousand.”
          17,900 “One seven thousand niner hundred.”

        NOTE: Altitudes may be restated in group form for added clarity if the controller chooses.

        • EXAMPLE
        • Number Statement
          10,000 “Ten thousand.”
          11,000 “Eleven thousand.”
          17,900 “Seventeen thousand niner hundred.”
      2. Flight levels. The words “flight level” followed by the separate digits of the flight level.
        • EXAMPLE
        • Flight Level Statement
          180 “Flight level one eight zero.”
          275 “Flight level two seven five.”
      3. MDA/DH Altitudes. The separate digits of the MDA/DH altitude.
        • EXAMPLE
        • MDA/DH Altitude Statement
          1,320 “Minimum descent altitude, one three two zero.”
          486 “Decision height, four eight six.”
    3. Time:
      1. General time information. The four separate digits of the hour and minute/s in terms of UTC.
        • EXAMPLE
        • UTC Time (12 hour) Statement
          0715 1:15 a.m. CST “Zero seven one five.”
          1915 1:15 p.m. CST “One niner one five.”
      2. Upon request. The four separate digits of the hours and minute/s in terms of UTC followed by the local standard time equivalent; or the local time equivalent only. Local time may be based on the 24-hour clock system, and the word “local” or the time zone equivalent must be stated when other than UTC is referenced. The term “ZULU” may be used to denote UTC.
        • EXAMPLE
        • UTC Time (24 hour) Time (12 hour) Statement
          2230 1430 PST 2:30 p.m. “Two two three zero, one four three zero Pacific or Local.” or “Two-thirty P-M.”
      3. Time check. The word “time” followed by the four separate digits of the hour and minutes, and nearest quarter minute. Fractions of a quarter minute less than eight seconds are stated as the preceding quarter minute; fractions of a quarter minute of eight seconds or more are stated as succeeding quarter minute.
        • EXAMPLE
        • Time Statement
          1415:06 “Time, one four one five.”
          1415:10 “Time, one four one five and one-quarter.”
      4. Abbreviated time. The separate digits of the minutes only.
        • EXAMPLE
        • Time Statement
          1415 “One five.”
          1420 “Two zero.”
    4. Field elevation. The words “field elevation” followed by the separate digits of the elevation.
      • EXAMPLE
      • Elevation Statement
        17 feet “Field elevation, one seven.”
        817 feet “Field elevation, eight one seven.”
        2,817 feet “Field elevation, two eight one seven.”
    5. The number “0” as “zero” except where it is used in approved “group form” for authorized aircraft call signs, and in stating altitudes.
      • EXAMPLE
      • As Zero As Group
        “Field elevation one six zero.”
        “Heading three zero zero.”
        “One zero thousand five hundred.”
        “Western five thirty.”
        “EMAIR One Ten.”
        “Ten thousand five hundred.”
    6. Altimeter setting. The word “altimeter” followed by the separate digits of the altimeter setting.
      • EXAMPLE
      • Setting Statement
        30.01 “Altimeter, three zero zero one.”
    7. Surface wind. The word “wind” followed by the separate digits of the indicated wind direction to the nearest 10-degree multiple, the word “at” and the separate digits of the indicated velocity in knots, to include any gusts.
      • EXAMPLE
      • “Wind zero three zero at two five.”
      • “Wind two seven zero at one five gusts three five.”
    8. Heading. The word “heading” followed by the three separate digits of the number of degrees, omitting the word “degrees.” Use heading 360 degrees to indicate a north heading.
      • EXAMPLE
      • Heading Statement
        5 degrees “Heading zero zero five.”
        30 degrees “Heading zero three zero.”
        360 degrees “Heading three six zero.”
    9. Radar beacon codes. The separate digits of the 4-digit code.
      • EXAMPLE
      • Code Statement
        1000 “One zero zero zero.”
        2100 “Two one zero zero.”
    10. Runways. The word “runway,” followed by the separate digits of the runway designation. For a parallel runway, state the word “left,” “right,” or “center” if the letter “L,” “R,” or “C” is included in the designation.
      • EXAMPLE
      • Designation Statement
        3 “Runway Three.”
        8L “Runway Eight Left.”
        27R “Runway Two Seven Right.”
    11. Frequencies.
      1. The separate digits of the frequency, inserting the word “point” where the decimal point occurs.
        1. (a) Omit digits after the second digit to the right of the decimal point.
        2. (b) When the frequency is in the L/MF band, include the word “kilohertz.”
        • EXAMPLE
        • Frequency Statement
          126.55 MHz “One two six point five five.”
          369.0 MHz “Three six niner point zero.”
          121.5 MHz “One two one point five.”
          135.275 MHz “One three five point two seven.”
          302 kHz “Three zero two kilohertz.”
      2. USAF/USN. Local channelization numbers may be used in lieu of frequencies for locally based aircraft when local procedures are established to ensure that local aircraft and ATC facilities use the same channelization.
        • EXAMPLE
        • Frequency Statement
          275.8 MHz “Local channel one six.”
      3. Issue TACAN frequencies by stating the assigned two or three-digit channel number.
    12. Speeds.
      1. The separate digits of the speed followed by “knots” except as required by para 5-7-2, Methods.
        • EXAMPLE
        • Speed Statement
          250 “Two five zero knots.”
          190 “One niner zero knots.”
      2. The separate digits of the Mach number preceded by “Mach.”
        • EXAMPLE
        • Mach Number Statement
          1.5 “Mach one point five.”
          0.64 “Mach point six four.”
          0.7 “Mach point seven.”
    13. Miles. The separate digits of the mileage followed by the word “mile.”
      • EXAMPLE
      • “Three zero mile arc east of Nottingham.”
      • “Traffic, one o'clock, two five miles, northbound, D-C Eight, flight level two seven zero.”
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