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    1. When issuing a clearance to land, first state the runway number followed by the landing clearance. If the landing runway is changed, controllers must preface the landing clearance with “Change to runway” followed by the runway number. Controllers must then restate the runway number followed by the landing clearance.
      • RUNWAY (number) CLEARED TO LAND.
      • or

      NOTE: The purpose of the “change to runway” phraseology and restating the runway number is to emphasize to the pilot that they are being cleared to land on a runway other than what they were expecting.

    2. When you become aware that an aircraft is aligned with the wrong surface, inform the pilot and:
      1. Issue control instructions/clearances, or
        • EXAMPLE
        • “United four twenty three, go-around, you appear to be aligned with the wrong runway.”
        • “American sixty three, go-around, you appear to be aligned with a taxiway.”
        • “Southwest two thirty nine, you appear to be aligned with Runway 27 Left (pertinent information), Runway 27 Left, cleared to land.”
      2. If time permits, verify the pilot is aligned with the correct runway. Issue control instructions/clearances as necessary.
        • EXAMPLE
        • “Twin Cessna four one four lima bravo, verify you are aligned with Runway 27 Left.”
    3. Procedures.
      1. Facilities without a safety logic system or facilities with the safety logic system inoperative or in the limited configuration must not clear an aircraft for a full-stop, touch-and-go, stop-and-go, option, or unrestricted low approach when a departing aircraft has been instructed to line up and wait or is holding in position on the same runway. The landing clearance may be issued once the aircraft in position has started takeoff roll.
      2. Facilities using safety logic in the full core alert runway configuration may issue a landing clearance, full-stop, touch-and-go, stop-and-go, option, or unrestricted low approach to an arriving aircraft with an aircraft holding in position or taxiing to LUAW on the same runway except when reported weather conditions are less than ceiling 800 feet or visibility less than 2 miles.
    4. Inform the closest aircraft that is requesting a full-stop, touch-and-go, stop-and-go, option, or unrestricted low approaches when there is traffic authorized to line up and wait on the same runway.
      • EXAMPLE
      • “Delta One, Runway One-Eight, continue, traffic holding in position.”
      • “Delta One, Runway One-Eight, cleared to land. Traffic holding in position.”
      • “Twin Cessna Four Four Golf, Runway One-Niner base approved, traffic holding in position.”
      • “Baron Two Five Foxtrot, Runway One-Niner Right extend downwind, tower will call your base, traffic holding in position.”
    5. USA/USN/USAF. Issue runway identifier along with surface wind when clearing an aircraft to land, touch and go, stop and go, low approach, or the option.
      • RUNWAY (number), WIND (surface wind direction and velocity), CLEARED TO LAND.

      NOTE: A clearance to land means that appropriate separation on the landing runway will be ensured. A landing clearance does not relieve the pilot from compliance with any previously issued restriction.

    6. Whenever a runway length has been temporarily or permanently shortened, state the word “shortened” immediately following the runway number as part of the landing clearance. This information must be issued in conjunction with the landing clearance.
      1. The addition of “shortened” must be included in the landing clearance for the duration of the construction project when the runway is temporarily shortened.
      2. The addition of “shortened” must be included in the landing clearance until the Chart Supplement U.S. is updated to include the change(s) when the runway is permanently shortened.
      • EXAMPLE
      • “Runway Two-Seven shortened, cleared to land.”
    7. If landing clearance is temporarily withheld, insert the word “shortened” immediately after the runway number to advise the pilot to continue.
      • EXAMPLE
      • “Runway Two-Seven shortened, continue.”
      • FAA Order JO 7210.3, Para 10-3-12, Airport Construction
      • FAA Order JO 7210.3, Para 10-3-13, Change in Runway Length Due to Construction
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