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    1. Landing clearance to succeeding aircraft in a landing sequence need not be withheld if you observe the positions of the aircraft and determine that prescribed runway separation will exist when the aircraft crosses the landing threshold. Issue traffic information to the succeeding aircraft if a preceding arrival has not been previously reported and when traffic will be departing prior to their arrival.
      • EXAMPLE
      • “American Two Forty-Five, Runway One-Eight, cleared to land, number two following a United Seven-Thirty-Seven two mile final. Traffic will depart prior to your arrival.”
      • “American Two Forty-Five, Runway One-Eight, cleared to land. Traffic will depart prior to your arrival.”

      NOTE: Landing sequence number is optional at tower facilities where the arrival sequence to the runway is established by the approach control.

    2. Anticipating separation must not be applied when conducting LUAW operations, except as authorized in paragraph 3-10-5 b2. Issue applicable traffic information when using this provision.
      • EXAMPLE
      • “American Two Forty-Five, Runway One-Eight, cleared to land. Traffic will be a Boeing Seven-Fifty-Seven holding in position.”
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