Inform the aircraft when it is approaching glidepath (approximately 10 to 30 seconds before final descent).
Provide the DH to any pilot who requests it.
When an aircraft reaches the point where final descent is to start, instruct it to begin descent.
NOTE: Controllers should not key the radio transmitter continuously during radar approaches to preclude a lengthy communications block. The decision on how often transmitters are unkeyed is the controller's prerogative.
Inform the aircraft of its distance from touchdown at least once each mile on final approach.
Inform the aircraft when it reaches the published decision height.
NOTE: Glidepath and course information provided below decision height is advisory only. 14 CFR Section 91.175 outlines pilot responsibilities for descent below decision height.
NOTE: A pilot's report of “runway in sight” or “visual” is not a request to proceed visually.
Issue communications transfer instructions.
NOTE: Communications transfer instructions should be delayed slightly until the aircraft is on the landing roll-out to preclude diversion of the pilot's attention during transition and touchdown.
“This will be a surveillance approach to runway three six. Mileages will be from touchdown.”
“This will be a surveillance approach to runway three six using P-A-R azimuth. Mileages will be from touchdown.”
“Five miles from touchdown, descend to your minimum descent altitude/minimum altitude.”
PAR approaches may be conducted when the ASR is unusable provided a nonradar instrument approach will position the aircraft over a navigational aid or DME fix within the precision radar coverage, or an adjacent radar facility can provide a direct radar handoff to the PAR controller.
NOTE: The display of the NAVAID or DME fix in accordance with para 5-3-2, Primary Radar Identification Methods, is not required provided the NAVAID or DME fix can be correlated on a PAR scope.