When an aircraft passes the final approach fix inbound (nonprecision approach) or the outer marker or the fix used in lieu of the outer marker inbound (precision approach), issue clearances for a succeeding timed approach in accordance with the following:
NOTE: FIG 6-7-1 depicts the application of timed approach procedures using an ILS and applying longitudinal separation only. Using an interval of 2 minutes between successive approaches, the #1 and #2 aircraft have already passed the outer locator (LOM) on final approach, and the #3 aircraft has been cleared for approach and to depart the LOM 2 minutes after the #2 aircraft reported leaving the LOM inbound on final approach. After aircraft in the approach sequence depart the holding/approach fix (LOM) inbound, vertical separation is no longer provided and longitudinal separation is utilized.
NOTE: FIG 6-7-2 depicts the application of timed approach procedures using a holding/approach fix on a bearing of an NDB and applying a combination of longitudinal and vertical separation. The #3 aircraft has been instructed to descend to 2,000 after the #2 aircraft has reported departing the holding/approach fix inbound and leaving 2,000 at point A. The #2 aircraft has departed the holding/approach fix inbound at the designated time, maintaining 2,000 until cleared for approach at point A. The #1 aircraft has been sighted, enabling the controller to issue approach clearance to the #2 aircraft at point A.