2024 NATCA Election & The Purple and Light Blue CBAs

Are you waiting to see how the current CBA negotiations play out before submitting your vote?

  • My vote will not be impacted by the result of the Purple and Light Blue CBA negotiations.

  • I am awaiting potential results of the Purple & Light Blue CBA negotiations before I cast my ballot.

  • I currently am abstaining from/unable to cast a ballot.

Results are only viewable after voting.
How long do contract negotiations typically take? These negotations seem to be taking a long time, especially since the contract is set to expire July 1.
I recall hearing the Slate, from the Red, took something like 10 months. Better part of a year. And that was under an amenable Obama administration.

These things take time. Heard PASS has been working on theirs for years.
How long do contract negotiations typically take? These negotiations seem to be taking a long time, especially since the contract is set to expire July 1.
Our contracts don't actually expire. They have an "evergreen clause" that automatically extends their terms until replaced by a subsequent CBA.

As noted, PASS and the FAA have been in negotiations for more than 2 years and are re-entering mediation. In the negotiations for the Purple & Light Blue books, I understand that NATCA and the FAA agreed in their ground rules to complete bargaining/negotiating by the end of September. For any items they were unable to agree upon, the ground rules stipulated that they would be submitted to an arbitration panel and the panel's decision as to those items would be binding on both parties. So we're looking at 6-8 months from start to finish for successor agreements.
Based off of what?
I’ll use one point, telework. The NCR has a majority of the people in the office once a week, seeing as the Biden admin has people with massive commercial real estate investments they absolutely hate this. Multiple people have told me that PASS and other federal unions are fighting to keep it once a week. This has a direct impact on those businesses, such as office leases and food service industries.
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I’ll use one point, telework. The NCR has a majority of the people in the office once a week, seeing as the Biden admin has people with massive commercial real estate investments they absolutely hate this. Multiple people have told me that PASS and other federal unions are fighting to keep it once a week. This has a direct impact on those businesses, such as office leases and food service industries.
what’s NCR?

Are you covered by the purple book?

Fighting to keep 1 day a week? How many days a week do they have now ?
what’s NCR?

Are you covered by the purple book?

Fighting to keep 1 day a week? How many days a week do they have now ?
He's PASS now so covered under a different contract. FAA tried to force us back to (mostly) full time in office earlier this year after the covid work from home stuff and PASS said not so fast and negotiated on a case by case basis by job type and in office needs. His (our) line of business is currently only in office one day a week and telework the other 4. PASS from my understanding is trying to get that written into the contract somehow when it comes to negotiating telework schedules since it's beneficial to most of the workforce and doesn't have any affect on work being completed in many cases.

I don't really stay on the up and up with the union stuff in this job there's really no need to it's a much more relaxed tone with the union politics but that's my understanding. I'm still staying abreast of the natca contracts as I may be eyeballing a region x job in the future curious to see how this shakes out.
Interesting. Never thought someone that’s not even represented by Natca would be so involved in their elections
*Glances at Reinstatement Paperwork* Uh-huh... also every time there is an election I usually post all the info for people and reach out to the candidates.
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