Terminal 3/24/21 Basics


Trusted Contributor
Reaching out to see who’s in this basics group. Might as well get to know each other now. I’m from the 20 bid, someone cancelled from your class and I got their spot.
I got an FOL and all that jazz the next day. Signed it and turned it in. Also did more EODS stuff. My HR rep is CS
I believe we have the same rep. I am little confused at how they do their scheduling for classes cause I was told 3/25 as my start date (without basics due to prior experience). I am curious how accurate these dates are.

is anyone in here doing online on boarding on 3/9?
I believe we have the same rep. I am little confused at how they do their scheduling for classes cause I was told 3/25 as my start date (without basics due to prior experience). I am curious how accurate these dates are.

is anyone in here doing online on boarding on 3/9?
Not sure my man, my FOL says 3/24. Until you get the FOL, everything's up in the air.
Not sure my man, my FOL says 3/24. Until you get the FOL, everything's up in the air.
I already have my FOL and even after you get your FOL everything is up in the air. It even says it in the FOL.

Anyone else just get an email about iPads for this class or just me?
Did you do online on boarding yet? If so did you get the ipad email before or after the online onboarding?
I already have my FOL and even after you get your FOL everything is up in the air. It even says it in the FOL.

Did you do online on boarding yet? If so did you get the ipad email before or after the online onboarding?
No onboarding and no FOL yet. Just got a call back in November offering me the date.
Sounds like you're going to OKC on 3/25 and I think the rest of us are virtual onboarding on 3/24. Maybe I'm in the wrong thread...
my reading comprehension is kind of fucked but my emails say virtual on boarding is 3/24. Academy date TBD. Terminal. No iPad email. Filled out new EODs forms and that’s it so far.
Have a good vacation! My current job pays super well too but management is toxic as fuck. I’m still on the fence about sending out my resignation without the FOL.
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