Hiring Bid Air Traffic Control Specialist - Trainee: FAA-ATO-17-ALLSRCE-53474

My current manager just got the sheet he fills out for security. Realizing I may get held up because my first job at a restaurant in 2011 neither of my managers are there anymore so not sure who will fill it out.
Was supposed to have my medical today. The doctors office informed me they didn't have my "paperwork" and that I needed to contact my employer to have them fax it over. I tried reasoning with the front desk lady that I wasn't currently employed by them and that I didn't have a contact # for them. They had me reschedule the appointment for tomorrow.

I emailed the medical appointments explaining all this so hopefully I hear something back before tomorrow (not very hopeful).
My current manager just got the sheet he fills out for security. Realizing I may get held up because my first job at a restaurant in 2011 neither of my managers are there anymore so not sure who will fill it out.
I find it incredibly unlikely they'll send anything to a job you had 7 years ago in Food Service. Don't lose too much sleep over it
I find it incredibly unlikely they'll send anything to a job you had 7 years ago in Food Service. Don't lose too much sleep over it

Not too worried! Just don't want any hold ups. I am also interested to see what happens with a job I was let go at after 3 months end of 2016. I didn't do anything wrong just had to call out a few times (illness, funeral, final exam rescheduling) and the day I was supposed to go full time they said I wasnt "reliable enough". I mentioned it in the eqip And every other reference will recommend me so not too worried haha
Was supposed to have my medical today. The doctors office informed me they didn't have my "paperwork" and that I needed to contact my employer to have them fax it over. I tried reasoning with the front desk lady that I wasn't currently employed by them and that I didn't have a contact # for them. They had me reschedule the appointment for tomorrow.

I emailed the medical appointments explaining all this so hopefully I hear something back before tomorrow (not very hopeful).

What paperwork??? All they need is the worksheet you emailed back to the medical POC, and your MedXPress, both of which are delivered by the FAA to the doctor. What in the world
Ahhhhh, I know what happened now. The FAA, aka "your employer" to them, never SENT your pre-employment medical worksheet via fax. Yup. Contact your medical POC (looks like you already did)
What paperwork??? All they need is the worksheet you emailed back to the medical POC, and your MedXPress, both of which are delivered by the FAA to the doctor. What in the world
Yeah, I was trying to figure that out this morning. I had the confirmation number which is all I thought they needed. If it is literally just that form I'll print that off and take it with me tomorrow. The problem with contacting a medical poc is that it's just a generic email that I'm not sure will be checked prior to my appointment.
Yeah, I was trying to figure that out this morning. I had the confirmation number which is all I thought they needed. If it is literally just that form I'll print that off and take it with me tomorrow. The problem with contacting a medical poc is that it's just a generic email that I'm not sure will be checked prior to my appointment.

Did you wait the full 10 days from receiving your medical email? There are clear instructions on the email that once you receive the medical appointment email your medical should be scheduled no earlier than 10 days after you send back the pre employment worksheet.
Did you wait the full 10 days from receiving your medical email? There are clear instructions on the email that once you receive the medical appointment email your medical should be scheduled no earlier than 10 days after you send back the pre employment worksheet.
Yup. Got that email Feb 1st and scheduled/replied the same day. Even got the medexpress email 5 days later confirming they had received my appointment date.
Yeah, I was trying to figure that out this morning. I had the confirmation number which is all I thought they needed. If it is literally just that form I'll print that off and take it with me tomorrow. The problem with contacting a medical poc is that it's just a generic email that I'm not sure will be checked prior to my appointment.

I sent an email out one evening recently and got a reply the next morning, but some regions are faster than others I presume. My AME called me the day he got the FAA worksheet, and I got MedXPress access that same day as well.
I would email your HR rep and show them the line from the email stating to call them and have them verify your email was entered correctly on their end of the EODS system. Can’t help but think that they are assuming that you didn’t get your EODS yet and just probing them.
I finally received my EODS. I guess after calling so many times it got taken care of.
I finally received my EODS. I guess after calling so many times it got taken care of.

I called them earlier today and was told they can’t tell me where I’m at In the que (understandable), but the emails are coming and I don’t have a new HR yet.
Maybe I should start calling them like you did ;)
How I envision most people trying to get updates on where they are in the process.
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