Hiring Bid Air Traffic Control Specialist - Trainee: FAA-ATO-17-ALLSRCE-53474

June/July would be ideal for me but it looks like the last bid is already booking class dates near the end April right now so unless they’re almost done June doesn’t seem that likely... but anything is possible... we have a house to sell too but wouldn’t be able to do that until after I pass... also bringing my whole family... so it’ll be chaotic but we will make it work.

We're sharing a life! I'm coming with my wife and three kids. I'm thinking of selling before OKC because (from what I understand) we're going to have 0 time to do that after the academy. You start work instantly. I figure I might as well go all in now. Quit the career, sell the house & try to care about airplanes.
We're sharing a life! I'm coming with my wife and three kids. I'm thinking of selling before OKC because (from what I understand) we're going to have 0 time to do that after the academy. You start work instantly. I figure I might as well go all in now. Quit the career, sell the house & try to care about airplanes.
I really don't mean to be Debbie Downer, but selling your house seems like not a great idea. It's a good problem to have to need to deal with selling it after you pass as opposed to not passing and having nowhere to go after. The pass rates are still hovering around 50%-60%. Even once you get to your facility it's recommended not to buy a house until you CPC. This has nothing to do with doubting anyone's talent or dedication, just the reality that anyone can fail and you want to have something to fall back to within reason.
Just took the mmpi. Took me about an hour, i didn’t think I’d laugh as many times as I did during the test. I also just a few minutes ago recieved the e-quip email .. moving right along
I really don't mean to be Debbie Downer, but selling your house seems like not a great idea. It's a good problem to have to need to deal with selling it after you pass as opposed to not passing and having nowhere to go after. The pass rates are still hovering around 50%-60%. Even once you get to your facility it's recommended not to buy a house until you CPC. This has nothing to do with doubting anyone's talent or dedication, just the reality that anyone can fail and you want to have something to fall back to within reason.

I appreciate the advice, truly. I just really don't know how I'm going to manage to sell a home (a 4 bedroom home full of belongings) when i'm out of state. On top of that, the money i'll make at the academy wouldn't cover my mortgage.

I'd appreciate any advice. The whole thing is stressing me out.
I appreciate the advice, truly. I just really don't know how I'm going to manage to sell a home (a 4 bedroom home full of belongings) when i'm out of state. On top of that, the money i'll make at the academy wouldn't cover my mortgage.

I'd appreciate any advice. The whole thing is stressing me out.
I'm sure realtors sell properties with out of state owners fairly regularly. You wouldn't be the first. With the belongings part, you have I think up to 8 days of Change of station leave, so you could try and use a good chunk of that in the beginning to move your stuff out and into storage or hire someone to do it. I realize the OKC salary won't cover your mortgage, but it's only 3-4 months you'd have to dig into savings to cover the difference, and if you pass you'll be able to make that right up when you sell the house.
Of course, it's totally up to you. I just couldn't stand failing the academy and having nowhere to go or call home. The feeling of defeat is strong and then not having a house would really pile on.
I appreciate the advice, truly. I just really don't know how I'm going to manage to sell a home (a 4 bedroom home full of belongings) when i'm out of state. On top of that, the money i'll make at the academy wouldn't cover my mortgage.

I'd appreciate any advice. The whole thing is stressing me out.
Your ATM will work with you. You can report for usually 2 weeks after academy graduation and even then you can take up to 64 hours of PTO Change of station leave once you start at a facility to get things in order.
Your ATM will work with you. You can report for usually 2 weeks after academy graduation and even then you can take up to 64 hours of PTO Change of station leave once you start at a facility to get things in order.
They're not going to give you two free weeks to report from the Academy olus 64 hours of change of station leave... I guess unless you're taking LWOP.... most people report directly to their facility and use those 64 hours over the course of the two years to find a place and get settled. If you end up in a city you are unfamiliar with, stay in a hotel for two weeks and figure out where you want to live.

Also why drag a wife and three kids to Oklahoma? Leave them where they are. If it seems like class is going well and you're catching on, they can start packing the house (although there is almost always still a chance of failing) and meet you with some stuff wherever you end up going. Yeah, you will be paying rent in two places but get a roommate, save your per diem... I wouldn't go to OKC with no backup plan if I failed.
They're not going to give you two free weeks to report from the Academy olus 64 hours of change of station leave... I guess unless you're taking LWOP.... most people report directly to their facility and use those 64 hours over the course of the two years to find a place and get settled. If you end up in a city you are unfamiliar with, stay in a hotel for two weeks and figure out where you want to live.

Also why drag a wife and three kids to Oklahoma? Leave them where they are. If it seems like class is going well and you're catching on, they can start packing the house (although there is almost always still a chance of failing) and meet you with some stuff wherever you end up going. Yeah, you will be paying rent in two places but get a roommate, save your per diem... I wouldn't go to OKC with no backup plan if I failed.

I'm dragging them along because they want to come and I don't want to be away from them. Being a single mom of 3 young kids is more difficult than anything the academy can throw at you and any help I can offer in my downtime will be huge.

The real question is whether I'm going to sell before or after the academy. This thread has got me thinking / second-guessing / dreading. I want to take the path of least resistance... and sometimes I think that forgoing the ATC opportunity completely might be the answer. :(

Anyway, thanks for the advice everyone. I don't mean to hijack the thread with my boring problems.
I'm dragging them along because they want to come and I don't want to be away from them. Being a single mom of 3 young kids is more difficult than anything the academy can throw at you and any help I can offer in my downtime will be huge.

The real question is whether I'm going to sell before or after the academy. This thread has got me thinking / second-guessing / dreading. I want to take the path of least resistance... and sometimes I think that forgoing the ATC opportunity completely might be the answer. :(

Anyway, thanks for the advice everyone. I don't mean to hijack the thread with my boring problems.
I know people who have brought their family and that's totally fine, it gives you comfort and familiarity. The thing that makes me nervous is not having a fall back place to live. If you think you can manage that then go for it, just know you'll be devastated if you don't pass, and having to find housing on top of that will be even tougher
Yeah I mean I’m definitely bringing my family. I’m not listing my house until after I get my facility assignment... holding out a little hope that I’ll get one of the couple facilities in my area, but I’d pack and have everything ready to list before we leave... we either come home and pack, or list it find an apartment in our new town and hope it sells fast. It’ll be an adventure that’s for sure...
Alright, lets clean some stuff up here...
@Hitchcock and anyone else wondering , your time to report after the academy is universal throughout the agency. An individual facility cannot deviate from the contract (The Slate Book) and give you additional time. You can find a breakdown of what to expect here...

Housing after Academy before starting new facility.

Anything outside of your earned annual leave, assigned travel days, and 64 hours of change of station would need to be coordinated as LWOP (Leave With Out Pay) with your future facility. I'd highly advise against using LWOP to get to your first facility, it's a bad first impression.

@tylerowens - 2017 academy stats showed a 53% pass rate for Terminal and a 50% pass rate for enroute. Simply ask yourself what you'd do if you weren't successful at the academy. If you'd move to a different city, purchase a larger home in your current city, move to a different school zone in your current city, etc, I'd say go ahead and sell. Faced with a similar situation, I would've moved back to the same city and into the same house. I elected to rent my house out. For me, it was simply one less thing to worry about. The academy can be stressful enough, going 'all in' would certainly add more.
Checking in here to see if anyone from KG has gotten a CIL yet. I’m seeing people on here that received EODS after me, but have already gotten CIL. Frustrating.
I was in the same spot as you before I left for OKC had a house and a family. We were well in the positive for our house so we literally sold the day after i left for OKC. For me it was alot easier to sell before OKC than worry about all of that while in training at a new facility. On the flip side if you make money off the sale of your house and do fail out you have cash on hand to start your life again.
So on the sf-86 it asks if anyone else lives with you... my girlfriend and her daughter do but she hasn’t changed her legal address because we just wanted to take it slow and see how things went.. a.m. I best off still putting that she lives with me ? Thanks!!
I was in the same spot as you before I left for OKC had a house and a family. We were well in the positive for our house so we literally sold the day after i left for OKC. For me it was alot easier to sell before OKC than worry about all of that while in training at a new facility. On the flip side if you make money off the sale of your house and do fail out you have cash on hand to start your life again.

Yeah! That's the situation I'm in. I'm already quitting my job to go this route, so why bother keeping around a home with a mortgage I won't be able to pay if I fail the academy, you know?

Would it be alright if I PM'd you some questions about family academy life?
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