Hiring Bid Air Traffic Control Specialist - Trainee: FAA-ATO-17-ALLSRCE-53474

Just got my eQIP email. Only 2 days after my EODS forms were approved.

My understanding is that the medical stuff will come later, correct? This is just the security clearance stuff right?
Has anyone been unable to contact the person who schedules their MMPI? I have called him 4 days straight, left voicemail , and sent an email, my 10 days is almost up. Should I just contact my main POC and let them know?
Has anyone been unable to contact the person who schedules their MMPI? I have called him 4 days straight, left voicemail , and sent an email, my 10 days is almost up. Should I just contact my main POC and let them know?

The facility I tried to schedule mine at back in October initially wasn't able to administer the test for a few months, because they were pretty busy and the admin was going to be out of the office. So I called HR back and told them the situation and asked if I could test at a different facility and they had no problems with it.

With that said I still waited about three weeks before making that phone call, and the secondary facility was 5 hours away, but I was willing to make the drive to accomplish the inventory even sooner.

EDIT: I believe the instructions located in the CIL also say, that as long as you tried to make contact with the agency, you meet the 10 day requirement. So as long as you keep the email saved you should be OK. With that said, HR is not the type of agency to save "prove it", you will be just fine.
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Has anyone been unable to contact the person who schedules their MMPI? I have called him 4 days straight, left voicemail , and sent an email, my 10 days is almost up. Should I just contact my main POC and let them know?

Mine has turned into a fiasco. Got my CIL last Friday. Manager is out of town till 3/5 so they told me to call the secondary facility and that person is out until Tuesday. Contacted my HR rep since it’ll be 11 days on Tuesday and he said the 10 days is there so people don’t drag their feet basically. He said just get it scheduled and get it done and I’ll be fine.
So for those who are just waiting for an FOL, what are we estimating the wait time is?

Depends on who you ask. The realistic timeline is Octoberish. I’m an optimist and I think it’ll be before June for those of us that were in the first wave and got everything done without any complication.

I know there are some people who have already heard they passed security and MMPI-2. So just waiting on the medical can’t take THAT long but I also think it largely depends on your region.
I believe (based on little to no tangible evidence) from July on is what we can hope for
So for those who are just waiting for an FOL, what are we estimating the wait time is?
2 weeks ago someone reported that there were 921 people waiting for the academy from the 2016 bid. If this was accurate and there's 18 in every class, the 2016 bid will be exhausted in late August. In addition I think it's likely that there will be a few classes with a mix of people from both bids. I could be completely wrong and be making assumptions I shouldn't be, but I'd put money down folks from our bid will be at the academy around the middle of summer.
2 weeks ago someone reported that there were 921 people waiting for the academy from the 2016 bid. If this was accurate and there's 18 in every class, the 2016 bid will be exhausted in late August. In addition I think it's likely that there will be a few classes with a mix of people from both bids. I could be completely wrong and be making assumptions I shouldn't be, but I'd put money down folks from our bid will be at the academy around the middle of summer.

Don’t forget, out of those 921 a good portion are tier 2 so it’s entirely possible we will pass the tier 2 and go to the academy before them. I read somewhere about half of the remaining population was tier 2 so that would mean about 460 Aug 2016 TOL holders have yet to go to the academy.
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