CTO benefit for OTS Bid


I’m currently a military Controller with a CTO. I’m separating soon and I applied for the OTS bid. If I get lucky enough to get picked up and pass the exams and go to the academy are there any benefits for having a CTO? Will you be able to skip sections of the academy? Are you able to CLEP or test out of certain sections? This might be a stupid post just curious, any information helps!
Might as well wait for an experience bid so you can skip the academy. If you get picked for en route or even terminal passing the faa academy isn’t a sure thing.

Maybe someone can answer but is it a thing to not get picked for an experience bid or is basically everyone picked eventually?
Maybe someone can answer but is it a thing to not get picked for an experience bid or is basically everyone picked eventually?
Took me three times. OTS, VRA then I got picked up on my second VRA. There’s stories of people
Not getting picked up at all
Maybe someone can answer but is it a thing to not get picked for an experience bid or is basically everyone picked eventually?
You might have to try a couple of times but you do eventually. I got picked up on my 2nd try. I tried ots a few times also

I honestly believe waiting on the prior experience bid is the best thing. If you fail the FAA academy, I’m not sure if you will be given another chance, even through prior experience. Have to get MJ or one of the admins to give the definite answer on that tho. Don’t want to give you any false info….
I honestly believe waiting on the prior experience bid is the best thing. If you fail the FAA academy, I’m not sure if you will be given another chance, even through prior experience. Have to get MJ or one of the admins to give the definite answer on that tho. Don’t want to give you any false info….
I’ve seen one new hire fail then get another shot a couple years later. Doesn’t happen too often though.
I’ve seen more fail the Academy then go to a CTO school like Beaver or Advanced ATC and get hired previous experience.
It’s understandable that people recommend skipping academy and waiting for a prior exp bid, but there is no guarantee that you will make the cut. Far more apply than will be allowed in. Plus there is seniority to think about, if you get pushed back a year or two that can cost you some RDOs etc. If I was in two years earlier I would be have my choice of 5 sets of RDOs instead of 3. Unless you go to a center where new hires are constant. Then you have your leave bracket. Military time counts towards your 8 hours (you get at year 15) . It would suck to have that pushed out a year or two as well.

I would jump in anyway I could.
The ideal situation (that I think has worked out for some on here) is to do the OTS bid because it gets the ball rolling on all your clearances. Once an experienced bid comes out, your package is expedited since you’ve done all the background. Worse case you can always turn down the offer and reapply, but the background check and medical are an enormous hurdle in the hiring process.
It’s understandable that people recommend skipping academy and waiting for a prior exp bid, but there is no guarantee that you will make the cut. Far more apply than will be allowed in. Plus there is seniority to think about, if you get pushed back a year or two that can cost you some RDOs etc. If I was in two years earlier I would be have my choice of 5 sets of RDOs instead of 3. Unless you go to a center where new hires are constant. Then you have your leave bracket. Military time counts towards your 8 hours (you get at year 15) . It would suck to have that pushed out a year or two as well.

I would jump in anyway I could.
he question is to OTS applicants really not make the cut? How many are there?

he question is to OTS applicants really not make the cut? How many are there?
I think you asked how many OTS applicants not make the cut? If so a lot. The question doesn't make sense to me so I'd imagine you're asking about the prior exp bid. That answer is a lot of prior experience people apply and a decent amount get picked up. But it's by no means guaranteed. The people who say "just wait for a prior experience bid" don't really know what they're talking about imo. Sure you can wash out at the academy, but realistically if you wash at the academy maybe this career field isn't for you. As with any government gig, it's more about how many times you can apply. Any way you can get your foot in the door or help yourself with time in service will help immensely.
With a cto you can skip basic regardless of the path (terminal or en route). if you have 52 weeks rated tone you can go to lowest d band pay upon facility assignment.
I had a CTO before the academy and did not get the lowest d band pay. AG pay until checking out on local at an up/down.
I believe you would have to have applied to the prior experienced bid to get the bottom of the d. If you have a cto and go the ots route then you are put on ag pay. Not 100% sure though
Two people that I was in OKC with were prior exp and went to the bottom of the D pay band. This was back in 2016 FWIW and HR gave them some separate paperwork for it.
Per the contract, prior Military/DOD experience gets lowest D band upon arriving at your facility. Doesn't say anything about it being dependent on what bid you get in on.
I had a CTO before the academy and did not get the lowest d band pay. AG pay until checking out on local at an up/down.
I also came in on an OTS bid. Went through the academy, AG band. The only thing I got to skip was the CTO exam.
Section 5.d (pg 205) of natca agreement. Military with 52 weeks certified. I used tactical ratings to support my pay increase, cto works as well. You have to ask for it they won't auto increases. While at academy you get standard academy rate, once assigned to facility you get lowest d level.
This is from an ots bid, pay increase agreed to in 2020 by hr
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