Hey man, I worked Bike Lake, Fort Irwin before it went DoD in 2014-2015. Same main Boss, Ryan C, great dude. That place is NON-RADAR Army flight following, super simple once you get the hang of it. Basically its two weeks of work, 2 weeks pretty chill and dead for X-mas and New Years so nothing through middle of Nov until Feb. They do NOT do the rattler. You bid once a year either straight days, eves or mids. Being contract at the time, Could not live on base, but the base seemed nice. I lived an hour away in Victorville. Barstow is the closest town and that is BFE, so the above was not exaggerating when they said its 30 minutes passed BFE. They have a lot of food options on base and the housing looked pretty awesome, Get on the waitlist NOW.