I had lasik this Jan if that is what you mean by eye surgery... Am actually sitting at my 6 month appointment to get my medical back without limitationsHave any current controllers had eye surgery while controlling? I have some questions.
What limitations did you have?I had lasik this Jan if that is what you mean by eye surgery... Am actually sitting at my 6 month appointment to get my medical back without limitations
Just that I had a note in my file until successfully completed a six month check up... If I didn't have the checkup my medical would expireWhat limitations did you have?
That’s stupid. Getting lasik has been the single best quality of life improvement I’ve ever done.Thanks all for the responses. I asked around at my facility the most people say don't bother with it, since the FS could pull my medical and make me jump through hoops to get it back.
Thanks all for the responses. I asked around at my facility the most people say don't bother with it, since the FS could pull my medical and make me jump through hoops to get it back.
I got my lasik right before the academy after getting my tol but before my medical. had to do that extra 6 month check while i was at the academy. failed some kinda test, had to go retake it and tell the doctor to be sure he got the right numbers on that test lol. had no problems when I got my last medical taken in january though.
Was that just another eye exam?