Standard night (no Super Bowl, CFB Championship, Final Four, weather delays, etc.)
Both show up at 10:15 PM with both working until roughly 11:15-11:30 PM. Then, whomever is working first goes and takes a break (normally me) and I’ll come back at 11:30-11:45 PM to take the whole room and get the person working second up. The person working first will then work until 1:30- 2:00 AM (depending on the supervisor) when the supervisor will come get their currency time. The person working second will come back between 3:45-4:00 AM (depending on supervisor) to get the supervisor up. The person who worked first will come back between 5:30-5:45 AM to see if any positions need to be split off before the morning shift people arrive (2 at 5:45 AM and like 9 at 6:00 AM).