Shoot The Breeze 3.0

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On a serious note, does anybody know if the FAA pays out sick leave before leaving it? I've heard they pay annual leave left over that wasn't taken, but mixed signals about the sick leave.
Shhhhh. Don’t tell AB that, he clearly hasn’t been or lived Philly like some us (me) have. On a side note:

He sounds like a really enjoyable person to work with<—This is sarcasm.
I lived in Baltimore so @ me next time

On a serious note, does anybody know if the FAA pays out sick leave before leaving it? I've heard they pay annual leave left over that wasn't taken, but mixed signals about the sick leave.
40% for sick leave when you retire not sure about other circumstances
Sick leave can be credited toward your FERS calculation at 100% (note that the calculation is quantized in months, or 1/12 of a year) or paid out at 40%. The 40% payout is only an option if you have more than 240 hours, otherwise it has to go toward FERS credit. You can also donate it I think.

Annual leave is a 100% payout.

This is from my notes from the NATCA retirement seminar which assumes you've reached a proper retirement age, I don't know if anything changes if you quit early. I would guess it's the same though.
On a serious note, does anybody know if the FAA pays out sick leave before leaving it? I've heard they pay annual leave left over that wasn't taken, but mixed signals about the sick leave.
Had a controller leave the agency on good terms, but it wasn't a retirement. I'm about 99% sure on this:

Retire? Yes you get paid 40%, or maybe comped with FERS time, it always confuses me. You get something for SL if you retire (unless you are a supe...)

Leave the agency before retirement? Nothing for sick leave, zip. HOWEVER if years later you find yourself back at a scope and working for the man again, the sick leave balance you once had, is restored in full upon your return.
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Sick leave can be credited toward your FERS calculation at 100% (note that the calculation is quantized in months, or 1/12 of a year) or paid out at 40%. The 40% payout is only an option if you have more than 240 hours, otherwise it has to go toward FERS credit. You can also donate it I think.

Annual leave is a 100% payout.

This is from my notes from the NATCA retirement seminar which assumes you've reached a proper retirement age, I don't know if anything changes if you quit early. I would guess it's the same though.
This is useful information that shouldn’t be buried in a shoot the breeze thread
Had a controller leave the agency on good terms, but it wasn't a retirement. I'm about 99% sure on this:

Retire? Yes you get paid 40%, or maybe comped with FERS time, it always confuses me. You get something for SL if you retire (unless you are a supe...)

Leave the agency before retirement? Nothing for sick leave, zip. HOWEVER if years later you find yourself back at a scope and working for the man again, the sick leave balance you once had, is restored in full upon your return.
A lot of new controllers can get sick leave restored from the military or other jobs. But they won’t give it to you unless you follow up!
A lot of new controllers can get sick leave restored from the military or other jobs. But they won’t give it to you unless you follow up!
Sick leave doesn’t exist in the military… unless you’re speaking of Disabled Veteran’s Leave. That one is tits! My manager allowed me to take whatever days I wanted
The point is for an autistic 20 something year old like yourself, capitalism has enabled you to enjoy the highest standard of living you would have anywhere else in the world. We don't even have true capitalism so it's really a disservice to keep calling it that but if we did, you'd really have nothing to complain about. Nothing is stopping you from denying service to the rich folks though! You willfully accepted the terms of employment. Besides, even the poors who fly commercial are still releasing hella carbon into the atmosphere.

And even if a train was there, you wouldn't take it. It would be way to inconvenient and the "net gain" you'd get from saving the world wouldn't be worth the added hassle in your eyes and you'd still drive. In fact, I guarantee you wouldn't take a train to PHL either. I'd bet a year's salary on it.

You can float in a different river bro! Quit your job to own the rich! Stop consuming all the products that are generating a profit for these rich assholes. Stop shopping in big box stores and only shop local! Support your neighbor and not the fucking Waltons!

Do you guys not realize why those people are successful? It's because they provide things that people can afford to buy that will enrich the lives of both the consumer and the businessman who organized the land labor and capital and employed thousands of people in the process. If they didn't provide value to the everyday lives of people, they wouldn't be so wealthy.

Also the elephant in the room no one wants to talk about is the largest single reason why people are so rich while others are struggling so much is the monetary policy of the Fed since it's creation. It has only been exasperated by departing the gold standard and embracing MMT fantasy land where we can print and spend as much as we like and nothing matters, until one day it does. But in the meantime we all get poorer and the rich assholes get richer and it isn't capitalist to blame. It's the Fed and the government working hand in hand. Don't ever forget that.
JuSt FlOaT iN a DiFfErEnT RiVeR!

I mean fuck me for supporting my family and making a living even if I don't full throated shout from the rooftops my support of a system and think it could use some quality of life tweeks that'd benefit the majority of Americans right?

I guess I should just go live in a cave and keep my mouth shut instead of voicing my opinion billionaires flying to space in dick rockets for fun is peak too much money or trillions of dollars spent to fight a war against goat herders 20000 miles away that benefitted no one but the MID shoulda maybe been spent on things here at home, totally right. My bad.

Now if you'll excuse me I gotta go break down my prime air box for recycling my eat the rich shirt was shipped in.
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JuSt FlOaT iN a DiFfErEnT RiVeR!

I mean fuck me for supporting my family and making a living even if I don't full throated shout from the rooftops my support of a system and think it could use some quality of life tweeks that'd benefit the majority of Americans right?

I guess I should just go live in a cave and keep my mouth shut instead of voicing my opinion billionaires flying to space in dick rockets for fun is peak too much money or trillions of dollars spent to fight a war against goat herders 20000 miles away that benefitted no one but the MID shoulda maybe been spent on things here at home, totally right. My bad.

Now if you'll excuse me I gotta go break down my prime air box for recycling my eat the rich shirt was shipped in.
I've got to hand it to you, of all the Libs I argue with on here, you're the most reasonable and level headed of them all even though we don't see eye to eye on a lot of things. And I did bust out laughing at your jokes. The float in a different river thing was mostly just a jab at all the idiots who keep yelling if you don't want the jab, then quit and find another job!

But yeah, I agree with you that Bezos has too much money and I wish we'd bring all the troops home and stop fighting dumb wars and policing the world and shrink the military budget by 80% and focus on defense. But I taxing Bezos isn't the answer. The point I want to make is that all these rich assholes got rich because the government has too much power to crush Amazon's smaller competition via taxes and regulatory red tape and the Fed has artificially undermined our markets with ZIRP and QE for the past 20 years and created the biggest everything bubble the history of mankind. All of that has enabled all of these unprofitable dogshit companies to exist and their executives to get rich in the process. It has allowed a crazy amount of stock buy backs of the last few years. It allows all the speculative money to buy every dip and bid stonks to the moon in perpetuity. It keeps the asset owning class getting wealthier and the poors struggling evermore to afford groceries and rent.

But it is not a failure of capitalism. It is because capitalism hasn't been allowed to work. Markets are very efficient and would've sorted out all these issues many years ago. It would have been very painful in the short run, but we'd be much better off than we are today. The problem is Americans are promised to never have to experience and pain or hardship by the politicians and they are entitled to never ending comfort. But we're just about out of road to kick this can any further. Inflation is roaring and the Fed is doing everything they can to understate inflation and make excuses as to why they can't stop buying $120 billion dollars worth of bonds per month and raise interest rates. The real reason is that we are so indebted that even rates at 1% would crash the entire stock market and economy, so they're going to try print until it doesn't work anymore and hope the music stops on someone else's watch.

I went off on this tangent all to say capitalism is going to get the blame because no one in government ever admits to their mistakes. But it won't be the greedy billionaires fault. It'll be because of the ever expanding government. No one realizes this, and that's what grinds my gears the most. They'll continue to vote for more of the same that got us where we are today, and that is the biggest tragedy of all.

tl;dr Capitalism good, government/Fed bad.
We live in a crony capitalist society. It’s a peer to national socialism. Government doesn’t run the monopolies, but aids and abets them in coming to fruition.

My wife and I run a small business, and the hoops we have to jump through just to make that work are idiotic. Government is an impediment to progress and capitalism 9/10 times.
On a more friendly note......Have any of you noticed more people are dying under Biden than Trump from COVID? And Biden has THREE (3) Vaccines to help him fight this pandemic! How can this be true?
We live in a crony capitalist society. It’s a peer to national socialism. Government doesn’t run the monopolies, but aids and abets them in coming to fruition.

My wife and I run a small business, and the hoops we have to jump through just to make that work are idiotic. Government is an impediment to progress and capitalism 9/10 times.
Lmao ItS NoT rEaL cApItAlIsM.

You sound like one of those tankie college kids that stans the soviet union and what could have been if it weren't for those stinking CIA plants. You are literally making the same argument as y'all's favorite shitlib stereotype, which is HILARIOUS.

If you think what we have today in the US isn't the end state of capitalism run amok, concentrating all the wealth in the hands of a few, who mind you the SCOTUS decided thier money is "speech" back in the aughts, and now have ultimate power of legally buying loyalty in politics, you truly are brainwashed.

TLDNR- guillotine
Lmao ItS NoT rEaL cApItAlIsM.

You sound like one of those tankie college kids that stans the soviet union and what could have been if it weren't for those stinking CIA plants. You are literally making the same argument as y'all's favorite shitlib stereotype, which is HILARIOUS.

If you think what we have today in the US isn't the end state of capitalism run amok, concentrating all the wealth in the hands of a few, who mind you the SCOTUS decided thier money is "speech" back in the aughts, and now have ultimate power of legally buying loyalty in politics, you truly are brainwashed.

TLDNR- guillotine
I’d say that “corporations are people” is one of the worst decisions the court has ever made but man there are some real fucking turds that our “highest” court has handed down. It’s amazing the institution has survived this long, it’s really been just one big impediment to progress lol.
I’d say that “corporations are people” is one of the worst decisions the court has ever made but man there are some real fucking turds that our “highest” court has handed down. It’s amazing the institution has survived this long, it’s really been just one big impediment to progress lol.
IMHO it's the single worst one when it comes to deciding how gov functions. The Citizens United ruling turned representative democracy into a sham. People wonder why government doesn't work for them and look at it as an indictment of government and ignore the grift and go how could this happen?

Capital's interference in government is a much much bigger problem for your average american than the inverse, but good luck convincing some people of that since apparently the people who say otherwise have blue hair and nose rings and look different, therefore are not worth listening to, and certainly not agreeing with on anything.
IMHO it's the single worst one when it comes to deciding how gov functions. The Citizens United ruling turned representative democracy into a sham. People wonder why government doesn't work for them and look at it as an indictment of government and ignore the grift and go how could this happen?

Capital's interference in government is a much much bigger problem for your average american than the inverse, but good luck convincing some people of that since apparently the people who say otherwise have blue hair and nose rings and look different, therefore are not worth listening to, and certainly not agreeing with on anything.
Yeah agreed but hard to put it above “racism is good” and Korematsu. Dred Scott put us on a highway with no exits that ended in the civil war. But yeah citizens shows the shameless disfunction that our current court operates on.
On a more friendly note......Have any of you noticed more people are dying under Biden than Trump from COVID? And Biden has THREE (3) Vaccines to help him fight this pandemic! How can this be true?
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