Shoot The Breeze

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The point is, this puppet that is occupying the White House just single handedly, YES IT WAS ALL HIM! armed the taliban and abandoned the people of Afghanistan, all while claiming he was honoring Trumps deal. Yea right, he had no problem overturning all the other Trump policies once he got into the White House but this was THE ONE he was going to try and honor. Trumps plan was not to leave all of our weapondry behind for the Taliban and beg for them to let us leave. The country has "jumped the shark" You millenials will likely have to look that phrase up.
We have left equipment behind in every theater we have ever had a conflict in since ww2. Hell you can still buy surplus m1 garands repatriated from the Phillipines and Korea thru the CMP. All those weapons we left behind were for the "300 thousand strong" afghan army that only existed on paper by and large. That's a failure of every single presidential administration of the last 20 years, including Trump, and yes also including biden and his 8 years as veep. Painting this as a biden problem aside from not recognizing the speed at which it happened and planning for that is asinine.

Also I find your millenial complaining point fucking laughable. It was the goddamn millenials over there shedding blood and losing limbs for 20 goddamn years you can take that bullshit elsewhere. I'm a millenial, I'm in my mid to late 30s and it was my generation that got the most caught up in the boomer generation of politician's bullshit follies and war hawk garbage in the middle east the last 2 decades.
We have left equipment behind in every theater we have ever had a conflict in since ww2. Hell you can still buy surplus m1 garands repatriated from the Phillipines and Korea thru the CMP. All those weapons we left behind were for the "300 thousand strong" afghan army that only existed on paper by and large. That's a failure of every single presidential administration of the last 20 years, including Trump, and yes also including biden and his 8 years as veep. Painting this as a biden problem aside from not recognizing the speed at which it happened and planning for that is asinine.

Also I find your millenial complaining point fucking laughable. It was the goddamn millenials over there shedding blood and losing limbs for 20 goddamn years you can take that bullshit elsewhere. I'm a millenial, I'm in my mid to late 30s and it was my generation that got the most caught up in the boomer generation of politician's bullshit follies and war hawk garbage in the middle east the last 2 decades.
It was in reference to "Jump the Shark" that millenials won't understand.
We have left equipment behind in every theater we have ever had a conflict in since ww2. Hell you can still buy surplus m1 garands repatriated from the Phillipines and Korea thru the CMP. All those weapons we left behind were for the "300 thousand strong" afghan army that only existed on paper by and large. That's a failure of every single presidential administration of the last 20 years, including Trump, and yes also including biden and his 8 years as veep. Painting this as a biden problem aside from not recognizing the speed at which it happened and planning for that is asinine.

Small arms and vehicles that would arm the ANA are one thing, but leaving behind a bunch of Blackhawks and multi-million dollar drone systems? Yeah I’m going to say Biden’s a bit more to blame for this aspect than past Presidents, specifically.


[insane Ben Garrison-esque cartoon of Biden fiddling while crises go off in the background]
It is literally, literally, always projection with you guys, isn't it. Always.

Except, he didn't follow Trumps plan to leave Afghanistan. He just picked up and left. He disregarded "The Experts". I don't know why I waste my breath on people like you.
So you want endless war or not endless war. They both ran in ending the war. Now the war is over. But it sounds like you guys want to stay and keep fighting. What gives?
Small arms and vehicles that would arm the ANA are one thing, but leaving behind a bunch of Blackhawks and multi-million dollar drone systems? Yeah I’m going to say Biden’s a bit more to blame for this aspect than past Presidents, specifically.

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Strategically, yes we lost the war, tactically though we overwhelmingly beat the taliban when we fought. Why is that? Because we had better stuff. Helos, NVGs, UAVs. All that.

So in order for the ANA to even have shot at doing the same, we had to modernize thier forces. You can't give an unmotivated group Toyota hiluxes and salty rifles and expect them to do well against extremely motivated dudes with the same. The stuff wasn't just "left behind". overwhelmingly, it was to arm and equip a fighting force that didn't show up. I highly doubt the Military was just leaving behind sensitive equipment like helicopters and drones in large numbers without that purpose. Do I agree with that strategy? No, not necessarily, however that's the facts.

Moreover, you are in the industry. You know how long it takes to train a pilot. It wasn't like they came up with this plan to train Afghani pilots and drone operators, and equipped them in the last 8 months. Hell, I know for a fact they've been doing it for at least a decade. On top of that, what, do you think biden himself was making decisions on exactly what was being given to them? Nope. It was some general,, under advisement from some Raytheon contractor who wanted to sell more drones. So again, can't put that all on him.

Again, if you wanna play the blame game, blame dubya for setting the policy in the first place, and the rest that followed ALL share the same level of responsibility for the negligence we are discussing. Trying to put this all on the guy that got left holding the bag because it politically aligns with your narrow worldview is moronic.
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