Slate Book extended until July 2026

I'd like both of you to back up the claim that our raises don't keep up with inflation. By your logic we are literally getting poorer with every raise. I found two websites that listed US inflation, I took our NATCA raises and presidential/January raise and did some simple math. From what I can tell, since 2016 we have been paid more than the inflation rate every year. I didn't go back before 2016 because I don't think there are pay raises in the White Book nor can I get a copy of it.

Oh and I didn't include any locality rate pay bumps either. So that's even more money we got. So please, post some real information with some links. I don't want to hear regurgitated Fox News talking points. Keep that in the "Shooting the Breeze" thread.

Like I said, some of you are really bad at finances.

PresidentialNATCARaises (not including locality increases)Inflation (Per (Per
Headline inflation just came in at 4.2% YoY. As I mentioned before the government has massive incentive to understate inflation so you can bet your ass real inflation is north of 10%. Lucky for us, the Fed assures us its only "transitory" /s. But hey, at least we got those sweet 1.6% raises locked in for the next 6 years!
Headline inflation just came in at 4.2% YoY. As I mentioned before the government has massive incentive to understate inflation so you can bet your ass real inflation is north of 10%. Lucky for us, the Fed assures us its only "transitory" /s. But hey, at least we got those sweet 1.6% raises locked in for the next 6 years!
Transitory lol. That implies that all these prices will go back down to 2019 level when this is all done. That has basically never happened once, ever. Also “this” will not be done for another several years.
Headline inflation just came in at 4.2% YoY. As I mentioned before the government has massive incentive to understate inflation so you can bet your ass real inflation is north of 10%. Lucky for us, the Fed assures us its only "transitory" /s. But hey, at least we got those sweet 1.6% raises locked in for the next 6 years!
Not disagreeing with anything you say, but going from April of last year to April of this year for inflation is pretty misleading
Headline inflation just came in at 4.2% YoY. As I mentioned before the government has massive incentive to understate inflation so you can bet your ass real inflation is north of 10%. Lucky for us, the Fed assures us its only "transitory" /s. But hey, at least we got those sweet 1.6% raises locked in for the next 6 years!

Prices can deflate and do often. With most industries going back to normal it's likely to happen. I proved you wrong already with yearly inflation vs our raises. I didn't cherry pick any dates, I used a normal January - December timeframe. We have a lot of year left. January pay raise is looking like a minimum of 2.7% currently which puts us at 4.3% for a year of raises though if you use your cherrypicked calendar of April to April I could say June to June we get 5.9% in raises. Once again well above any yearly inflation.
Prices can deflate and do often. With most industries going back to normal it's likely to happen. I proved you wrong already with yearly inflation vs our raises. I didn't cherry pick any dates, I used a normal January - December timeframe. We have a lot of year left. January pay raise is looking like a minimum of 2.7% currently which puts us at 4.3% for a year of raises though if you use your cherrypicked calendar of April to April I could say June to June we get 5.9% in raises. Once again well above any yearly inflation.
Cool but NATCA should try to increase the raises they have control over. Instead of pimping things the whole fed workforce gets
Cool but NATCA should try to increase the raises they have control over. Instead of pimping things the whole fed workforce gets

Show me unions that get more raises than us every year. I think some of you are just greedy and refuse to acknowledge that you get far more pay for far less work than nearly any other job out there. Might as well do like PATCO did and demand a 32 hour work week also along with $10,000 pay raises across the board.
Show me unions that get more raises than us every year. I think some of you are just greedy and refuse to acknowledge that you get far more pay for far less work than nearly any other job out there. Might as well do like PATCO did and demand a 32 hour work week also along with $10,000 pay raises across the board.
They should get creative with the schedule. Working 40 hours to just work 40 hours is so old school. More flexible schedules is here in a lot of fields
They should get creative with the schedule. Working 40 hours to just work 40 hours is so old school. More flexible schedules is here in a lot of fields

Yeah we could be like those cool IT jobs that get sweet pay raises but also work a shit ton of overtime and get fired for anything. But I get it, Union bad. Youve been spamming how much you hate the union for the past year.
Prices can deflate and do often. With most industries going back to normal it's likely to happen. I proved you wrong already with yearly inflation vs our raises. I didn't cherry pick any dates, I used a normal January - December timeframe. We have a lot of year left. January pay raise is looking like a minimum of 2.7% currently which puts us at 4.3% for a year of raises though if you use your cherrypicked calendar of April to April I could say June to June we get 5.9% in raises. Once again well above any yearly inflation.
How about let's just cherry pick the last 3 months then. Feb was 0.4%, March was 0.6%, and April was 0.8%. That right there is enough to offset any raise and inflation is accelerating. There's shortages of everything out there, and surpluses of freshly printed dollars resulting in rising prices across the board. Not to mention labor shortages as a result of paying people to stay home. Everyone says "Oh well if employers just paid them more they wouldn't have this problem" but where does the money come from to do so? If they try to pay more to compete with the governments unlimited money printer, they'll have to raise prices to compensate, further inflating consumer prices faster and faster. And no, prices don't deflate.... find me the last year when the cpi was negative. I don't even think you'd be able to cherry pick me any 12 consecutive months of your choosing where prices fell. That's by design. God forbid living got any cheaper for the savers, then the spenders wouldn't be able to inflate away their debts. The point is, natca has no idea what inflation is going to be in the future, but just locked in a measly 1.6% raise for the next 6 years which is assuredly going to bite us in the ass when inflation as measure by the government is running 5% YoY. Let me ask you this... would you lend money to the government for 10 years at 1.6% interest? The answer is NO! You'd have to be an idiot to do so. But that's what yields on the 10y bond are because the country can't afford anything higher so the fed has to buy T bills at an ever faster pace to try to artificially suppress interest rates. They can not let yields rise to fend off inflation so they have to pretend it isn't there and everything is fine because if interest rates go up, the entire economy as we know it collapses overnight. So yeah, keep thinking inflation is going to slow down any time soon...
Yeah we could be like those cool IT jobs that get sweet pay raises but also work a shit ton of overtime and get fired for anything. But I get it, Union bad. Youve been spamming how much you hate the union for the past year.
Ya they took a bunch of money out of all the trainees pockets and They don’t communicate about anything.
Ya they took a bunch of money out of all the trainees pockets and They don’t communicate about anything.
They communicated plenty. Non-essential personnel were not needed for the operation. Cry more about it. Go run for a union office instead of crying like a fucking baby day in and day out. You werent useful so you werent brought in. You got a free paycheck for doing nothing.
How about let's just cherry pick the last 3 months then. Feb was 0.4%, March was 0.6%, and April was 0.8%. That right there is enough to offset any raise and inflation is accelerating. There's shortages of everything out there, and surpluses of freshly printed dollars resulting in rising prices across the board. Not to mention labor shortages as a result of paying people to stay home. Everyone says "Oh well if employers just paid them more they wouldn't have this problem" but where does the money come from to do so? If they try to pay more to compete with the governments unlimited money printer, they'll have to raise prices to compensate, further inflating consumer prices faster and faster. And no, prices don't deflate.... find me the last year when the cpi was negative. I don't even think you'd be able to cherry pick me any 12 consecutive months of your choosing where prices fell. That's by design. God forbid living got any cheaper for the savers, then the spenders wouldn't be able to inflate away their debts. The point is, natca has no idea what inflation is going to be in the future, but just locked in a measly 1.6% raise for the next 6 years which is assuredly going to bite us in the ass when inflation as measure by the government is running 5% YoY. Let me ask you this... would you lend money to the government for 10 years at 1.6% interest? The answer is NO! You'd have to be an idiot to do so. But that's what yields on the 10y bond are because the country can't afford anything higher so the fed has to buy T bills at an ever faster pace to try to artificially suppress interest rates. They can not let yields rise to fend off inflation so they have to pretend it isn't there and everything is fine because if interest rates go up, the entire economy as we know it collapses overnight. So yeah, keep thinking inflation is going to slow down any time soon...

TLDR. I already posted facts for inflation and the yearly CPI many pages ago. Prove those facts wrong when nearly every website shows the same stats. You cherrypicked therefore youve lost my interest. You don't try to tell the truth, you try to manipulate data so Im done talking to you.
They communicated plenty. Non-essential personnel were not needed for the operation. Cry more about it. Go run for a union office instead of crying like a fucking baby day in and day out. You werent useful so you werent brought in. You got a free paycheck for doing nothing.
Lol not one mention that they were working on extending this contract till it was done.
TLDR. I already posted facts for inflation and the yearly CPI many pages ago. Prove those facts wrong when nearly every website shows the same stats. You cherrypicked therefore youve lost my interest. You don't try to tell the truth, you try to manipulate data so Im done talking to you.
Lol if you don't understand macroeconomics and the fact that the "offical" stats you posted are complete horseshit and disingenuous the representation of the actual rate of inflation by design then just say that. But you have the right to believe whatever you want, I hope it works out for you.
I mean, we have two issues. We have the supply and demand issue (housing, used cars, electronics) and then we have the issue where they printed way too much money. I think the supply and demand issue will resolve in a year or two, but the printed money problem not so much. I.E, groceries and gas going to go up, housing and cars will slow down their increases and *maybe* go down (at least from where they are now).

The union could have tried to negotiate better raises, not extended the contract so far out, or both. I think most of us would have been satisfied if they did at least one of those things.
And you guys thought I was nuts when I was pushing privatization lol. Privatization would have been great, it would have been like a huge defense contractor being the only provider of a indispensable service and can not be replaced until AI takes over. Pay scales and increases would have far exceeded the new contract, plus you could still have collectively bargained the worker protections, etc....
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