"The Pit"- ZNY -Info Request

I'm from the area, so I'm definitely ok with living here in perpetuity. I understated "pretty difficult" - I understand that it's near impossible for the foreseeable future and would be ok with staying here for my career. I just wanted to try to understand and prepare myself mentally for what the training circumstances are.

Also, my girlfriend's grad school circumstances are pretty unique. The field she is pursuing isn't offered in many areas - some other areas with her field would be Houston, Atlanta, Cleveland. The chances of me actually getting those centers aren't high. The only way of guaranteeing that she can pursue what she wants is if we went to ZNY..obviously it's not a top choice due to the training issues, but I'm trying to wrap my head around what I'll be getting myself into.
Hey come here by all means. Just be ready to not cpc for 6 years minimum and never leave ZNY. Ever.
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