Training hold

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When you have two streams that are route separated and then you call at the last minute to say spin everyone, it isn’t as easy as just telling them to spin. Look, I get it - you’re busy but so are we and we don’t refuse an overflight just because he’s going to be a pain in the ass. Every overflight is a pain in the ass so stop acting like you’re the only ones who are busy.
In 11 plus years, I’ve never called center and said, “spin ‘em.” I’ve called and said,”DALAS, TMU is about to shut you off due to thunderstorms and wind shear at the airport. Here’s your heads up.” Overflights are easy. I don’t know why more people can’t/don’t want to work them. VFR is super easy. IFR isn’t bad, but depends where they are at and going.

Oh I forgot to mention the time the departure controller gave the front regional 250 or less and the United 6 in trail 280 or greater over the same fix
I’m curious what approach control that was as all our departures are required to accelerate to and hold 250 until certain fixes or have the option to accelerate past 250 at 10K?
Lmfao this thread officially has everything now. From wondering when training is going to restart, slowly transitioning into when states are going to reopen, who is going to/not going to wear a mask, are we getting furloughed...then a giant leap to racism, whether or not the Union sucks, hating on FLMs, trainee vs. CPC, and now center vs. approach.

Perfect dave chappelle.gif
Lmfao this thread officially has everything now. From wondering when training is going to restart, slowly transitioning into when states are going to reopen, who is going to/not going to wear a mask, are we getting furloughed...then a giant leap to racism, whether or not the Union sucks, hating on FLMs, trainee vs. CPC, and now center vs. approach.

View attachment 3977
Keep it down tower flower!
Lmfao this thread officially has everything now. From wondering when training is going to restart, slowly transitioning into when states are going to reopen, who is going to/not going to wear a mask, are we getting furloughed...then a giant leap to racism, whether or not the Union sucks, hating on FLMs, trainee vs. CPC, and now center vs. approach.

in other words, the perfect thread! 8)


I can tell you we rarely no notice hold center. Rarely.

thats a NY specialty that I would never mix up for a proper level 12 (that doesnt get coddled and al lthose scam union freebies)

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So do you just lock yourself into your house for your whole 5 days off?
Your strawman argument seems to be that since NATCA does not control conduct of BU members outside of the workplace that they shouldn’t negotiate to increase social distancing at work.

From the beginning, NATCA was crystal clear that their number one priority was the health and safety of its members. They negotiate working conditions. They do not negotiate activities outside of work. Any statement about what a member does or does not do outside of work is irrelevant to negotiations related to coronavirus related working conditions.

When NY shutdown on March 20, daily cases were ~2700 and rising. Currently, the 3 most populous states (CA, FL, TX) are at least double those levels and AZ is in a similar situation with a lower population. The argument that increased testing is the cause does not hold water when considering that the positivity rate is increasing.

The impact of having COVID-19 is much greater than most people realize even for young adults (Source: Link). Also, scroll to the bottom Link and 20-50% of patients face health challenges after discharge.

Does anyone really think that ALL BU employees should risk their health and that of their families so a few trainees can get raises 6-12 months sooner? If you do, I pose that it’s a very selfish stance to take. There’s nothing wrong with being that selfish, just be honest about your motivations.

The other argument being thrown out is that trainees need to return to prevent furloughs. First, this is a national health emergency. It’s unlikely the government will furlough unless it’s a last resort. Further, safety is priority one. I’d argue that a potential hit to pay should take a back seat to the safety of BU employees.

Acknowledging the very real threat the virus poses to everyone’s health, wearing masks and social distancing to prevent the spread of the virus being a matter of opinion have become a very real impediment to safely opening the economy. It’s really too bad. If everyone were taking the threat seriously, the current surges would be much lower and return to normal would likely come sooner than later.
Your strawman argument seems to be that since NATCA does not control conduct of BU members outside of the workplace that they shouldn’t negotiate to increase social distancing at work.

From the beginning, NATCA was crystal clear that their number one priority was the health and safety of its members. They negotiate working conditions. They do not negotiate activities outside of work. Any statement about what a member does or does not do outside of work is irrelevant to negotiations related to coronavirus related working conditions.

When NY shutdown on March 20, daily cases were ~2700 and rising. Currently, the 3 most populous states (CA, FL, TX) are at least double those levels and AZ is in a similar situation with a lower population. The argument that increased testing is the cause does not hold water when considering that the positivity rate is increasing.

The impact of having COVID-19 is much greater than most people realize even for young adults (Source: Link). Also, scroll to the bottom Link and 20-50% of patients face health challenges after discharge.

Does anyone really think that ALL BU employees should risk their health and that of their families so a few trainees can get raises 6-12 months sooner? If you do, I pose that it’s a very selfish stance to take. There’s nothing wrong with being that selfish, just be honest about your motivations.

The other argument being thrown out is that trainees need to return to prevent furloughs. First, this is a national health emergency. It’s unlikely the government will furlough unless it’s a last resort. Further, safety is priority one. I’d argue that a potential hit to pay should take a back seat to the safety of BU employees.

Acknowledging the very real threat the virus poses to everyone’s health, wearing masks and social distancing to prevent the spread of the virus being a matter of opinion have become a very real impediment to safely opening the economy. It’s really too bad. If everyone were taking the threat seriously, the current surges would be much lower and return to normal would likely come sooner than later.
Some of us are working. And it’s safe to sit 3 feet to the right but having someone 3 feet behind you is against the rules.
When NY shutdown on March 20, daily cases were ~2700 and rising. Currently, the 3 most populous states (CA, FL, TX) are at least double those levels and AZ is in a similar situation with a lower population.

Hello NATCA higher up,

I think it is important to note that while cases are up in many places, fatality rates are down dramatically from those NY times (Most other governors haven't sicked Covid on their elderly and most vulnerable like Cuomo).

Also, what is the status of Hazard Pay? And what other politically charged Tshirts do you guys have planned next, and when will they drop on your social media? thx!

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Your strawman argument seems to be that since NATCA does not control conduct of BU members outside of the workplace that they shouldn’t negotiate to increase social distancing at work.

From the beginning, NATCA was crystal clear that their number one priority was the health and safety of its members. They negotiate working conditions. They do not negotiate activities outside of work. Any statement about what a member does or does not do outside of work is irrelevant to negotiations related to coronavirus related working conditions.

When NY shutdown on March 20, daily cases were ~2700 and rising. Currently, the 3 most populous states (CA, FL, TX) are at least double those levels and AZ is in a similar situation with a lower population. The argument that increased testing is the cause does not hold water when considering that the positivity rate is increasing.

The impact of having COVID-19 is much greater than most people realize even for young adults (Source: Link). Also, scroll to the bottom Link and 20-50% of patients face health challenges after discharge.

Does anyone really think that ALL BU employees should risk their health and that of their families so a few trainees can get raises 6-12 months sooner? If you do, I pose that it’s a very selfish stance to take. There’s nothing wrong with being that selfish, just be honest about your motivations.

The other argument being thrown out is that trainees need to return to prevent furloughs. First, this is a national health emergency. It’s unlikely the government will furlough unless it’s a last resort. Further, safety is priority one. I’d argue that a potential hit to pay should take a back seat to the safety of BU employees.

Acknowledging the very real threat the virus poses to everyone’s health, wearing masks and social distancing to prevent the spread of the virus being a matter of opinion have become a very real impediment to safely opening the economy. It’s really too bad. If everyone were taking the threat seriously, the current surges would be much lower and return to normal would likely come sooner than later.
How can it be for safety if people aren’t doing it at home. It’s not like trainees are more susceptible to covid. Also a few trainees is over 20% of the union. Not a small chunk. So yes their future and timeline for what to expect should be considered and shared. Would love to here what this workgroup has been working on
How can it be for safety if people aren’t doing it at home. It’s not like trainees are more susceptible to covid. Also a few trainees is over 20% of the union. Not a small chunk. So yes their future and timeline for what to expect should be considered and shared. Would love to here what this workgroup has been working on

This argument makes no sense. The union isn't in charge of what people do at home. They are in charge of working conditions. Now hit me wit dat #solidarity talk while you bitch some more about the 20 percent out weighing the 80 percent because of your personal opinion.
This argument makes no sense. The union isn't in charge of what people do at home. They are in charge of working conditions. Now hit me wit dat #solidarity talk while you bitch some more about the 20 percent out weighing the 80 percent because of your personal opinion.
I’ve said a 1000 times people want to know what the plan is and 4 months in there is still no real information.
i can tell you all what’s gonna happen but I’ve already tried that 1000 times and nobody wants to listen.
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