4-4-1. ROUTE USE

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  • 4-4-1. ROUTE USE

    Clear aircraft via routes consistent with the altitude stratum in which the operation is to be conducted by one or more of the following:

    NOTE: Except for certain NAVAIDs/routes used by scheduled air carriers or authorized for specific uses in the control of IFR aircraft, Air Traffic Service (ATS) routes, and NAVAIDs established for use at specified altitudes are shown on U.S. government charts or DOD FLIP charts.

    1. Designated ATS routes.
      • VIA:
      • VICTOR (color) (airway number)(the word Romeo when RNAV for existing Alaska routes),
      • or
      • J (route number) (the word Romeo when RNAV for existing Alaska routes),
      • or
      • Q (route number)
      • or
      • Tango (route number)
      • or
      • SUBSTITUTE (ATS route) FROM (fix) to (fix),
      • or
      • IR (route number).
      • CROSS/JOIN VICTOR/(color) (airway number), (number of miles) MILES (direction) OF (fix).
    2. Radials, courses, azimuths to or from NAVAIDs.
      • VIA:
      • (name of NAVAID) (specified) RADIAL/COURSE/AZIMUTH,
      • or
      • (fix) AND (fix),
      • or
      • RADIALS OF (ATS route) AND (ATS route).
    3. Random routes.
      1. When not being radar monitored, GNSS-equipped RNAV aircraft on random RNAV routes must be cleared via or reported to be established on a point-to-point route.
        1. (a) The points must be published NAVAIDs, waypoints, fixes or airports recallable from the aircraft's navigation database. The points must be displayed on controller video maps or depicted on the controller chart displayed at the control position. When applying nonradar separation the maximum distance between points must not exceed 500 miles.
        2. (b) Protect 4 miles either side of the route centerline.
        3. (c) Assigned altitudes must beat or above the highest MIA along the projected route segment being flown, including the protected airspace of that route segment.
      2. Impromptu
        • DIRECT (name of NAVAID/waypoint/fix/airport)

        NOTE: A random impromptu routing is a direct course initiated by ATC or requested by the pilot during flight. Aircraft are cleared from their present position to a NAVAID, waypoint, fix, or airport.

      3. Point-to-Point
        • After (fix) proceed direct (fix)

        NOTE: A point-to-point route segment begins and ends with a published NAVAID, waypoint, fix, or airport.

    4. DME arcs of NAVAIDS.
    5. Radials, courses, azimuths, and headings of departure or arrival routes.
    6. SIDs/STARs.
    7. Vectors.
    8. Fixes defined in terms of degree-distance from NAVAIDs for special military operations.
    9. Courses, azimuths, bearings, quadrants, or radials within a radius of a NAVAID.
      • CLEARED TO FLY (general direction from NAVAID) OF (NAVAID name and type) BETWEEN (specified) COURSES TO/BEARINGS FROM/RADIALS (NAVAID name when a NDB) WITHIN (number of miles) MILE RADIUS,
      • or
      • CLEARED TO FLY (specified) QUADRANT OF (NAVAID name and type) WITHIN (number of miles) MILE RADIUS.
      • EXAMPLE
      • 1. “Cleared to fly east of Allentown VORTAC between the zero four five and the one three five radials within four zero mile radius.”
      • 2. “Cleared to fly east of Crystal Lake radio beacon between the two two five and the three one five courses to Crystal Lake within three zero mile radius.”
      • 3. “Cleared to fly northeast quadrant of Philipsburg VORTAC within four zero mile radius.”
    10. Fixes/waypoints defined in terms of:
      1. Published name; or
      2. Degree-distance from NAVAIDs; or
      3. Latitude/longitude coordinates, state the latitude and longitude in degrees and minutes including the direction from the axis such as North or West; or
      4. Offset from published or established ATS route at a specified distance and direction for random (impromptu) RNAV Routes.
        • DIRECT (fix/waypoint)
        • DIRECT TO THE (facility) (radial) (distance) FIX.
        • DIRECT (number degrees) DEGREES, (number minutes) MINUTES (north or south), (number degrees) DEGREES, (number minutes) MINUTES (east or west).
        • OFFSET (distance) RIGHT/LEFT OF (route).
        • EXAMPLE
        • “Direct SUNOL.”
        • “Direct to the Appleton three one zero radial two five mile fix.”
        • “Direct 32 degrees, 45 minutes north, 105 degrees, 37 minutes west.”
        • “Offset eight miles right of Victor six.”
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