Shoot The Breeze 3.0

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Just going to leave this here for the ones that aren’t satisfied with how the union has handled this. But, BUT, could a vaccine mandate be a secret plan to break up unions.

Article 11

b. An employee who has authorized the withholding of Union dues may request revocation of such authorization after one (1) year by completion and submission of a Standard Form 1188 (SF-1188), Cancellation of Payroll Deductions for Labor Organization Dues, to the appropriate payroll processing center in accordance with the procedures below:
(1) First year members: An SF-1188 may be filed anytime by an employee during the thirty (30) calendar-day period beginning forty-five (45) days prior to the anniversary date of his/her first dues withholding and ending fifteen (15) days prior to the anniversary date. It is the employee's responsibility to ensure timely filing of his/her revocation forms. Revocation forms shall only be accepted by the Agency during this time period. The payroll office shall notify the Union, in writing, of all revocations and provide a copy of the SF-1188 at the time the revocation is made effective.
(2) All other members: March 1 shall be the annual date for all revocations of Union dues. The employee must complete and submit an SF-1188 to the Agency between the dates of January 1 to January 31 of any given year. Upon receipt of a valid revocation form completed and signed by the employee, the appropriate Agency payroll processing center shall discontinue withholding the dues from the employee's pay effective only with the first full pay period which begins after the following March 1. The payroll office shall notify the Union, in writing, of all revocations and provide a copy of the SF-1188 at the time the revocation is made effective
Meh. We wouldn’t even know he existed if the trump whitehouse would have just let his office and the CDC do their jobs at the start of the pandemic. He hasn’t handled the spotlight very well but do you get into infectious disease research because you like the spotlight?

Nice work you lunatics. The FAA actually addressing this in a tweet is pretty exceptional.
Propaganda will propaganda
Meh. We wouldn’t even know he existed if the trump whitehouse would have just let his office and the CDC do their jobs at the start of the pandemic. He hasn’t handled the spotlight very well but do you get into infectious disease research because you like the spotlight?
I credit him with a lot of the mistrust when it comes to vaccines and the management of this thing from the get go honestly.

The way I see it the original sin of it all was the "don't buy/wear masks, it won't help" statements from early on. Yes I get we are trying to save supplies for hospital workers, but when your first impression is at best an obfuscation and at worst an outright lie, then you turn around and tell everyone to mask up, hell double mask, and never take it off like your life depends on it.....public trust goes straight into the shitter. People are either gonna think you are intentionally trying to harm them, or don't know what the fuck you are doing which..... well you tell me what people's main concern is with the vaccines?

Then you have "Lab leak? Ludacris!" (Don't mind these emails I sent though, and totally ignore the lab that studies bat coronaviruses in Wuhan, or the extent of my knowledge on such things, and that one of the first casualties was a Dr who worked there's wife, all that is insignificant). Just zero transparency. One thing I kinda begrudgingly have to give Trump credit for and rail on the left is the "that's racist" bullshit. Nah dude. Probably more racist to just lap up that it came from those icky Asian people's weird cultural food habits and ignore the fucking medical experimenting going on literal blocks away, but hey that's me.

Don't get me started on "DENYING FAUCI IS DENYING SCIENCE" (his quote, in the third person, on national media, big time yikes). Dude isn't "bad at being in the spotlight" he's a fucking fame whoring megalomaniac that wants the attention and recognition.

He's done more than not handle it well, he's actively harmed public trust in medical and scientific institutions with his grandstanding and obfuscations. We'd all probably be better off if he hadn't become a national figure, on this I guess we agree.
Almost as great a catch 22 as telling everyone the must get vaccinated from the plague and simultaneously saying it's not a work hazard worthy of the hazard pay.
That’s my point. It’s like a catch 44 or some shit!
Oh believe me, there is a ton of government over reach. This issue is just the beginning. But to think that fellow controllers rather see you get fired (and get a hard on over it) over your beliefs is disgusting. How do you work and trust next to someone who truly doesn’t care about you and your ability to provide for your family?

Why should I work with or trust someone that willingly makes themselves more likely to infect, and possibly kill me or my family?
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Here We Go Again
Ugly Taco, Pushing Tin
Ahhh no! We are all independently spectacular and not the same person.

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