Shoot The Breeze 3.0

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Besides that, this is Biden’s legacy. The dems ran on a platform of “trump is literally hitler” and “trump wants Americans to die from covid”
“Beating” covid by all means necessary is the plan.
It made no sense why trump didn’t fight Covid harder. His supporters would have done it and he prolly would have gotten re elected
It made no sense why trump didn’t fight Covid harder. His supporters would have done it and he prolly would have gotten re elected
Trump-labeled masks and sanitizer bottles. All it took was a little foresight and actual business acumen. But liberal states were getting hit hard by the virus, so it was all hands on deck to screwing NY and CA - which were encouraging masks and protections - so couldn’t be seen to be agreeing with the rotten socialists.
Trump-labeled masks and sanitizer bottles. All it took was a little foresight and actual business acumen. But liberal states were getting hit hard by the virus, so it was all hands on deck to screwing NY and CA - which were encouraging masks and protections - so couldn’t be seen to be agreeing with the rotten socialists.
Telling people that trump is vaccinated is very fun. Also almost all do congress and there’s a vax mandate at Fox News
Trump-labeled masks and sanitizer bottles. All it took was a little foresight and actual business acumen. But liberal states were getting hit hard by the virus, so it was all hands on deck to screwing NY and CA - which were encouraging masks and protections - so couldn’t be seen to be agreeing with the rotten socialists.

This. The Trump Admin (particularly Kushner) literally scrapped a National response plan because at the time it was primarily people in blue states dying.
How come all you this is too far people choose this as government over reach, and not abortion, dog shit policing, Legalization of Marijuana, or any other point. Why do Americans only want freedoms that can hurt other people, but are scared of drinking in public places
How come all you this is too far people choose this as government over reach, and not abortion, dog shit policing, Legalization of Marijuana, or any other point. Why do Americans only want freedoms that can hurt other people, but are scared of drinking in public places
Road beers are a constitutional right!
You’re still required to be negotiated for as a BUE, but FacReps don’t have to share info with you they get or any other guidance, nor go out of their way to assist you in other matters. You’ll have to go to management for that, as well as complaints or issues, whereas you could go to the FacRep as a union member, and they’ll fight your battle for you if it’s legitimate or get you some guidance from higher up in NATCA if needed.

At our facility, non-members aren’t allowed access to the Wi-Fi (unless someone gives them the password), technically the TV, or several other things around the facility the union has paid for. But there’s not enough of a non-union presence to cause problems or raise issue if the four or so guys who won’t be in the union get into those things.

And you can still wear what you want since you’re a BUE, but once again, if you show up in something management doesn’t like, not sure anyone will jump to defend your position.
Most of this is wrong. It’s a requirement for an exclusive representative to represent a bue regardless of their standing. It’s a ULP if they don’t. Things you aren’t entitled to if not in good standing are sort of obvious: holding office, participating in (certain) votes, attending Union function, etc.

Everyone should be at least a little familiar with the laws governing unions and what they can & can’t do.

I have a pretty good idea that even if controllers are granted a reasonable accommodation and are not vaccinated by the deadline, that reasonable accommodation will include removal from the operation until they are vaccinated.

But where would they go? I mean, the operation is the same as in the admin office. So are they going to have to telework admin stuff? And if so, for how long? After awhile they’ll make them change jobs permanently right? This thing is such a mess. I feel so bad for people in this situation staring down the barrel of termination for just not wanting a vaccine for potentially protected reasons.
But where would they go? I mean, the operation is the same as in the admin office. So are they going to have to telework admin stuff? And if so, for how long? After awhile they’ll make them change jobs permanently right? This thing is such a mess. I feel so bad for people in this situation staring down the barrel of termination for just not wanting a vaccine for potentially protected reasons.
Because they’ll be fired.
Reasonably accommodated.
How come all you this is too far people choose this as government over reach, and not abortion, dog shit policing, Legalization of Marijuana, or any other point. Why do Americans only want freedoms that can hurt other people, but are scared of drinking in public places
Oh believe me, there is a ton of government over reach. This issue is just the beginning. But to think that fellow controllers rather see you get fired (and get a hard on over it) over your beliefs is disgusting. How do you work and trust next to someone who truly doesn’t care about you and your ability to provide for your family?
Oh believe me, there is a ton of government over reach. This issue is just the beginning. But to think that fellow controllers rather see you get fired (and get a hard on over it) over your beliefs is disgusting. How do you work and trust next to someone who truly doesn’t care about you and your ability to provide for your family?
I truly believe that most republicans don’t give a single fuck about anyone other than themselves, so it really doesn’t bother me knowing that they could lose their livelihoods over their selfish actions. Feel bad for their families who have to deal with that person though
. How do you work and trust next to someone who truly doesn’t care about you and your ability to provide for your family?


This is a job and nothing more, you aren’t required to care about your coworkers.

On the plus side, my coworkers provide me entertainment daily, as I am sure I provide them with the same.

If you do your job, then who cares about anything else? This isn’t an encounter group.
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