Shoot The Breeze 3.0

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Oh believe me, there is a ton of government over reach. This issue is just the beginning. But to think that fellow controllers rather see you get fired (and get a hard on over it) over your beliefs is disgusting. How do you work and trust next to someone who truly doesn’t care about you and your ability to provide for your family?

It's not that I want to see anyone get fired. I just truthfully, honestly, wish everyone would just shut the fuck up about it. I just don't care. I just want to do my job and have everyone else do theirs. The worst part is that it's largely the dog shit controllers who think they're great that are on the anti vax side of the fence. I might miss the extra break but I certainly won't miss your work when you're gone

If all you donuts would keep your blabbering out of the operation I would have a lot more sympathy, even if I still don't agree
I truly believe that most republicans don’t give a single fuck about anyone other than themselves, so it really doesn’t bother me knowing that they could lose their livelihoods over their selfish actions. Feel bad for their families who have to deal with that person though
You’re part of the problem


This is a job and nothing more, you aren’t required to care about your coworkers.

On the plus side, my coworkers provide me entertainment daily, as I am sure I provide them with the same.

If you do your job, then who cares about anything else? This isn’t an encounter group.
Very true. I love to stir the pot and instigate at work and get people wound up but I’d hate to see someone get fired over something stupid.
suspect it’s because there are enough members who are either for the mandate or are too indifferent to challenge it hence NATCA leadership feels that it’s best to simply go along with the EO.
Oh noes the union is supporting a thing that the majority of its members support! How terrible!

Any airport that only does 75 ops per day will run the same with or without a tower
Where's that guy from ELM when you need him...
i think I’ve seen Dr. Jane Ruby on another site ?… but she’s wearing a stethoscope over the lab coat so I’m sure it’s legit. I also have exclusive information confirming there will be a 100% mortality rate of anyone who got the vaccine… or didnt.

anyway, I deleted that garbage low effort troll site post, so here’s the thumbnail so my post makes sense.

Are you implying Dr. Jane Ruby isn't reputable, I'll have you know she was Maga Cum Laude alongside Dr. Johnny Sins the brave police officer/soldier/astronaut/plumber/delivery man, alongside many other notable professions.
Amazing coincidence she's been in the news a lot....she was recently stuck in a drier and her step son saved her!
How big of a dork do you have to be to hate watch a documentary on dr Fauci lol
Probably about the same level of dork as people who seriously watch it as if the dude isn't utterly full of shit half the time.

I mean yay science and vaccines and all that jazz but honestly that dude bugs the ever loving fuck out of me with his lies, flip flops and obfuscations.
I truly believe that most republicans don’t give a single fuck about anyone other than themselves, so it really doesn’t bother me knowing that they could lose their livelihoods over their selfish actions. Feel bad for their families who have to deal with that person though
Check out r/HermanCainAward if you want confirmation of that. The worst are the guys who leave behind a stay at home wife and 4 kids. But at least they owned the libs.
Check out r/HermanCainAward if you want confirmation of that. The worst are the guys who leave behind a stay at home wife and 4 kids. But at least they owned the libs.
Hey man we gotta make more poor white uneducated people who will blame minorities and educated people for all thier problems (stupid chynah virus!) For future generations.

No better way to guarantee that than to make it a low income single parent household.
Hey man we gotta make more poor white uneducated people who will blame minorities and educated people for all thier problems (stupid chynah virus!) For future generations.

No better way to guarantee that than to make it a low income single parent household.
I think this is the story arc for the next season of Qanon. Can’t wait!
Probably about the same level of dork as people who seriously watch it as if the dude isn't utterly full of shit half the time.

I mean yay science and vaccines and all that jazz but honestly that dude bugs the ever loving fuck out of me with his lies, flip flops and obfuscations.
Meh. We wouldn’t even know he existed if the trump whitehouse would have just let his office and the CDC do their jobs at the start of the pandemic. He hasn’t handled the spotlight very well but do you get into infectious disease research because you like the spotlight?

Nice work you lunatics. The FAA actually addressing this in a tweet is pretty exceptional.
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