Hiring Bid Air Traffic Control Specialist - Trainee: FAA-ATO-18-ALLSRCE-57792

As interesting as the drama is on this thread, going to try to change the subject to something more related to the topic.

What documents will we need to provide the FAA before we get to the academy but after we receive a TOL? I know that they do a background/medical clearance and a psych test after you receive a TOL but what type of documents or information do you need to provide? Do I need to have my official transcripts ready? A list of previous addresses/proof of residence in them? My medical records? Insurance records? I tried to search around here and .65 for more specific details but was not able to find more information.
Really it just depends. I dont *believe* they need official transcripts. All your medical stuff is taken care of once you go to the faa flight doc, but! If there is a snag they may request more info. As is the same with background stuff. I would start trying to recall everywhere you've lived the past 10 (I think?) years and a few people who knew you lived there with their contact info. Other than that if they need additional info or documents they will ask you
My advice to all that I never took was enjoy each thing as it comes but don’t fixate on it. Every time there was an update and I got an email from the FAA I totally forgot I applied but I would torture myself for 2 weeks after every email wondering every possibility. When people say the government moves slow it’s no joke. TOL should be going out soon enjoy the experience but all the information you NEED to know is in the FAQ. It truly is a gold mine of information. The advantage that all of you applicants have now is that you know about this site, which is a massive advantage! Carry on life as usual congrats to those that make it through this process with all there hair.
As interesting as the drama is on this thread, going to try to change the subject to something more related to the topic.

What documents will we need to provide the FAA before we get to the academy but after we receive a TOL? I know that they do a background/medical clearance and a psych test after you receive a TOL but what type of documents or information do you need to provide? Do I need to have my official transcripts ready? A list of previous addresses/proof of residence in them? My medical records? Insurance records? I tried to search around here and .65 for more specific details but was not able to find more information.
Literally step by step instructions: Security Clearance Information

If you qualified using education you will definitely need your official transcript.
For those that don’t know how to get to the FAQ and are on your phones top left has 3 vertical lines tap that and there will be a FAQ tab everything is under a hyperlink that branches out into all kinds of different information forums. Be sure to thank MJ since he used a lot of time making these extremely detailed.
The only difference between this job and others that I've had is in the private sector people would be fired for doing or saying certain things. In the FAA it seems like you get a meeting with pro-standards, it takes an act Of Congress for a controller to get fired. There are a good bit controllers that are type A personality, my way is the best way and f@$k others that tell me I'm wrong, and some of them end up being trainers when they clearly shouldn't be. I hope you guys make it through the system and get certified so current controllers can get to the facilities they want to be at.

Agreed, the point is, it's not like other jobs. You're in a confined space with the same people for hours every day. If you don't like someone there's not much you can do about it, and if you don't like your trainer(s) there's not a whole lot you can do to get away from direct communication with that person for hours of every shift. I heard the same thing over and over going through this process during pubnat5: "you better have a thick skin.". It was pretty true then and not much has changed. As far as people getting fired it's true, there are people that thrive on messing with people and have been doing it for so long that they know how to ride the line just right so they don't get in trouble, or at least not in any meaningful trouble. Anyway, I've been there. It's a long wait, post some memes and grab some popcorn, you'll be here a while.

And when it's done you might not come back to one of these forums for years, not much has changed since 2008!
...This fits pretty well into the theme of this thread..
Candidate: hey guys any idea what our odds look like?
Controller 1: lol you morons don’t even have a TOL yet go to hell
Candidate 2: that seemed a little unnecessary a pointless
Controller 2: HAHAHAHA you idiots have no idea. If you thought that was bad, just wait till okc...IF you actually get there.. LOSERS

wash, rinse, repeat
I thought I was the only one that felt a lot of guys on here come off a little condescending ?
Jumping way ahead of myself here but I'm just curious. How long does it take to become a CPC after leaving training in Oklahoma City? The number 4 years has been thrown around a lot but from my understanding that's the maximum length of time allowed and most people check out sooner. Am I missing something here?
Jumping way ahead of myself here but I'm just curious. How long does it take to become a CPC after leaving training in Oklahoma City? The number 4 years has been thrown around a lot but from my understanding that's the maximum length of time allowed and most people check out sooner. Am I missing something here?
On 123atc.com they show you the average time in training when you select the facility you want. And on the priority placement tool on this site has a tab with the avg training times.
Jumping way ahead of myself here but I'm just curious. How long does it take to become a CPC after leaving training in Oklahoma City? The number 4 years has been thrown around a lot but from my understanding that's the maximum length of time allowed and most people check out sooner. Am I missing something here?
Really varies on facility level and if training is backed up. Generally around 2 years...
Jumping way ahead of myself here but I'm just curious. How long does it take to become a CPC after leaving training in Oklahoma City? The number 4 years has been thrown around a lot but from my understanding that's the maximum length of time allowed and most people check out sooner. Am I missing something here?

There isn't necessarily a maximum amount of time in years and months. Every facility has a maximum amount of hours you're allotted for each position. This number is somewhat flexible based on where you're at in training and every facility has a different number for each position. Some smaller towers you can probably check out in 6 months, while some centers or facilities with bad staffing situations can take 3 years(or more) to certify. There are people that end up in training for 6, 7, 8 years or more in strange circumstances. It's not common, but it happens. Maybe they took 3 years to get to a TRB and got all their hours restored, maybe they switched facilities multiple times in training (something you saw a few years ago but you don't really see today). Every situation is different, but it's a long road for most!
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