Can’t speak for him but a friend at one of my previous facilities did something similar and had to basically do the same thing for a similar expenses and gambled because, in short, he knew he would pass. Was acting out as a teenager just being a teenager, parents getting divorced, moving, etc, so parents dragged him to a psych who threw a bunch of meds at him, didn’t take them for long but eventually just basically matured/grew up and got his shit together, went to college got a job etc and has done just fine and when it came time to get hired at this job felt like he needed to be honest and disclose that history. After jumping through all those hoops and spending the money he kind of thought it was something nobody would’ve ever found out and seeing what everybody else lies about considered that maybe that would’ve been the way to go and saved the hassle and money but at least now everything has been done the right way and it’s not an issue.
Now I feel Kinda weird blasting all that out there, but it’s pretty generic information I guess. Oh those midnight Tower talks, what you learn and talk about LOL