Hiring Bid Experienced bid: FAA-ATO-17-ATCEXP-52850

To update...
1,471 applied
1,250 met the qualifications to be considered
957 were referred
351 have been selected

The remaining 606 (957-351) are being reviewed for selection.

If the number of selected applicants changes in the coming days to a higher number (fingers crossed), is that something you could update us on?
Any luck finding the SOP for the clearance of prior experience new hires, or does it not exist? Thanks.
To the best of my knowledge, it does not exist. If you have already made the referred list, you've passed any disqualifying measure they could impose on you.
To the best of my knowledge, it does not exist. If you have already made the referred list, you've passed any disqualifying measure they could impose on you.
I am actually seeking info for the next Experienced Bid, so have not gone through the process yet. Just trying to understand if previously washing out at a Center would disqualify me for sure, or maybe so - maybe not.
I am actually seeking info for the next Experienced Bid, so have not gone through the process yet. Just trying to understand if previously washing out at a Center would disqualify me for sure, or maybe so - maybe not.
From what I was able to gather, you should be just fine. As I posted above, if you apply for the OTS bid, they are instructed to remove you, but the prior experience bid is seen as a completely different hiring source. You are essentially qualifying under a different set of standards. It'd be no different if a 21 year old off the street new hire failed enroute at the academy, but still felt ATC was their calling. They could then join the military for air traffic, accumulate enough experience to qualify for the prior experience panel, then apply. They would have no issue as well.
To update:
Of the 957 referred
448 selections
505 not selected
4 applicants are still being reviewed

TOL's should be dropping soon.
I am actually seeking info for the next Experienced Bid, so have not gone through the process yet. Just trying to understand if previously washing out at a Center would disqualify me for sure, or maybe so - maybe not.
You'll be able to apply and get selected. I know this because we have a guy that washed Enroute at the academy and applied on a prior experience bid. Now a CPC.
Damn...On the one hand it's good to know that the selections are made and we'll find out something soon. On the other hand, 50% chance those of us on the referral list didn't make the cut.

I wonder how they eliminate qualified people off of the list in favor of others.
I talked with one of the HR supervisors this afternoon and for what's it's worth, they haven't gotten any new TOLs to send yet.
I talked with one of the HR supervisors this afternoon and for what's it's worth, they haven't gotten any new TOLs to send yet.

Does this mean even after all selections are made it could possibly be awhile before the TOLs go out? And do you have a guess at a time frame?
Does this mean even after all selections are made it could possibly be awhile before the TOLs go out? And do you have a guess at a time frame?
N90's prior experience bids TOL's will be dropped before next Friday. I'd imagine those will go first and these will follow shortly thereafter.
I know this is the wrong thread, just updating people... N90 TOLs just went out to people.
I'm curious, with all the bids currently out, how many of you guys applied to multiple? Any Triple Crown guys?
1) N90
2) Prior Experience
3) OTS
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