Hiring Bid FAA-ATO-22-ATCEXP-80642

What region is everyone hoping for?
I'm hoping for somewhere in the Carolina area or AZ to be close to family. I think AZ is pretty unlikely though. I have a feeling my list will be smaller because I don't think they can give me any towers that don't have a radar since I don't have a CTO.
I wouldn't mind St. Louis TRACON cause the facility is not actually in St. Louis. I like to ride my bike when I am not chilling in front of the PC, so the KATY Trail is a huge bonus. Commuting to work via dedicated bike trail? Hell, yeah!

But I'll accept anything. Will be all :( at a West Coast or East Coast pick, though.
I wouldn't mind St. Louis TRACON cause the facility is not actually in St. Louis. I like to ride my bike when I am not chilling in front of the PC, so the KATY Trail is a huge bonus. Commuting to work via dedicated bike trail? Hell, yeah!

But I'll accept anything. Will be all :( at a West Coast or East Coast pick, though.
STL tower would be sick, all commercial sounds heavenly
I wouldn't mind St. Louis TRACON cause the facility is not actually in St. Louis. I like to ride my bike when I am not chilling in front of the PC, so the KATY Trail is a huge bonus. Commuting to work via dedicated bike trail? Hell, yeah!

But I'll accept anything. Will be all :( at a West Coast or East Coast pick, though.
I also wouldn’t mind St. Louis. I’ve got family near by. Memphis would be cool too! Pulling for IND/AUS/M03… if I had a dream list anyways. I’m hoping for an 8 or 9 as that’s what I’ve seen other people with the same/comparable experience get but honestly if it’s in a good area with good schools, cause… kid, I’ll be happy. I’m curious to see how everyone’s lists shake out over the next few weeks.
I wouldn't mind STL, SUS, but would even more prefer KC area or even NW Arkansas or Nebraska, Iowa as most of mine and my wife's family is closer to the KC area.
Another Thursday and no list for me lol. Maybe next Thursday?
It could also be next Wednesday. I looked at the dates that the first rounds of lists went out for the last bid (from late March to July) and a lot of them were Wednesday. Could be wishful thinking, but I'd bet either next Wed or Thurs?
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