Government Shutdown

How about just show up to work if you can and call out sick if you're actually sick? For the most part, the public has a good perception of ATC...we should try to keep it that way.

It's easier to feel sorry for the prison guards making $40k a year and are going to miss a paycheck. Nobody wants to hear about $100k+ employees, who make well more than the average American, talking about how hard life is because they may receive a late check but haven't even received a late one yet.
It's easy to say that perhaps if you are making 100k a year, but not all of us are. I'm a level 6 CPC, single income family with two kids under 4 so if I have to sick out and be put on furlough to go drive for Uber so be it.
It's easy to say that perhaps if you are making 100k a year, but not all of us are. I'm a level 6 CPC, single income family with two kids under 4 so if I have to sick out and be put on furlough to go drive for Uber so be it.
What does a level 6 cpc make ok average if you don’t mind me asking?
I’m aware of what the scale says. I’ve often found that people make more than what’s listed. I.e. overtime, night dif etc.

Not trying to stir up any controversy, just curious.
Did I make any claim that I can speak for everyone’s financial situation? I posted the exact response you did except added statistics because the original subject about Level 6 pay came up in my response that we allaor more money than the average American and shouldn’t be expecting sympathy over the possibility of a late check.
so there are people that make less. That justifies us working without pay?
A brand new CPC will make $73k even at a rest of US locality. That’s over $15k more than the average median household income let alone an individual income.
That's before taxes as well, and that's if I wouldve been CPC for the entire year which I wasn't.

Did I make any claim that I can speak for everyone’s financial situation? I posted the exact response you did except added statistics because the original subject about Level 6 pay came up in my response that we allaor more money than the average American and shouldn’t be expecting sympathy over the possibility of a late check.

I'm not saying anyone should expect sympathy either, but you gotta realize that just because we are controllers that doesn't mean we are all making a ton of money, everyone's situation is different.

I’m aware of what the scale says. I’ve often found that people make more than what’s listed. I.e. overtime, night dif etc.
Honestly I couldn'tl tell you what the average yearly salary is, outside of shift diff, and holiday pay it's not a ton more at our facility, we rarely get OT.
A brand new CPC will make $73k even at a rest of US locality. That’s over $15k more than the average median household income let alone an individual income.
Not to attack you personally but it sickens me when people throw out the “average household medium income” stat. It is a worthless metric, did you ever look at how low it is even in expensive cities and high end suburbs? It’s because it factors in everyone not working living off public assistance and teens working part time in college splitting apartments making 12K combined getting money from loans or parents. All that stuff dramatically decreases the average even in a place like NYC. Do you really think most housolds in a big city make 52K and can afford housing and apartments?

At a previous level five facility we had a newly certified brag and think he was a big baller because his income was “almost 20K above the national household average”. What a idiot.
Regardless of how you look at it, controllers -- all controllers -- make good pay. I highly doubt it would do any good if anesthesiologists started running a public support campaign because they didn't get a 1.6% increase approved or that their next check could possibly get delayed. There are essential federal employees making much less and it's my personal opinion that we should not be publicly whining about something that hasn't even happened yet (an actual check getting delayed).

I still remember all the crap jobs I had in the past. Jobs that paid a lot less and often times had the constant threat of the next check simply not existing. If our biggest complaint is that every few years, a check gets delayed, then we've got it pretty damn good.
anesthesiologists make like 500k a year
I feel as though talking to controllers about matters involving either the timing or amount of money isn't an optimistic conversation if it involves even a shred of the concept of late payments or less money.
Regardless of how you look at it, controllers -- all controllers -- make good pay.

The amount of money we get may be decent but that doesn't mean it necessarily supports a decent or even a good lifestyle in all areas of the country. I'm pretty sure 73k a year in Georgia is way different than 73k in New York
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