New NATCA Facebook Page


Legendary Member
Did anyone join the new NATCA member’s exclusive FB page? I don’t plan too, it looks like it will just be what the old page was before they censored it and disallowed comments.

Plus it seems like it will be even more of a propaganda page for only the loyalists and NATCA sheep. Did you notice that as soon as that post went a lot of the NEB members and some Fac Reps instantly “liked” it? It’s like they all got a text coordinated to tell them to like it wide away to promote it as a good idea. Must be the works of their new “communication committee”, working to spread the propaganda, censorship and company line lol. While our peers in the airlines, railroad, trucking, etc… are alll getting 15% raises we need more posts of Santa, Andy, Paul and Trish attending overseas conferences lol.
The union doesn’t want any real open and honest discussion. They especially don’t want any criticism or challenging of the status quo. They only want to hear butt kissing “you guys are the best union on the planet!” bullshit. They don’t even allow comments on their regular FB page anymore b/c tons of people were questioning why the union constantly pushes a rainbow and sunshine agenda when morale, working conditions, and member approval is arguably at an all time low. All the butt kissers constantly play the “wElL iF yOu DoNt LiKe ThInGs, GeT iNvOlVeD aNd SaY sOmEtHiNg” card, but then they ignore and silence anyone who asks questions.
The union doesn’t want any real open and honest discussion. They especially don’t want any criticism or challenging of the status quo. They only want to hear butt kissing “you guys are the best union on the planet!” bullshit. They don’t even allow comments on their regular FB page anymore b/c tons of people were questioning why the union constantly pushes a rainbow and sunshine agenda when morale, working conditions, and member approval is arguably at an all time low. All the butt kissers constantly play the “wElL iF yOu DoNt LiKe ThInGs, GeT iNvOlVeD aNd SaY sOmEtHiNg” card, but then they ignore and silence anyone who asks questions.
Also, do not forget term limits :O

I think this is a perfect summation of your paragraph: Fuck you I got mine.
I don’t understand why the union, facreps, rvps, and honestly even the managers are so secretive about everything. Like we pay our dues and do our work. What can you possibly be keeping a secret that if you said something would be so bad??
They don’t like their zero work scam getting exposed
What the fuck is going on with this leadership. They are basically promoting a brand instead of working for its members. And if that issue is brought up they shame you and block you from using your voice as a natca bue. It’s almost as if natca has become a separate branch of management.
It is a business now, grow the brand/sell swag, NATCA is a necessary evil. I believe in representation but not at the expense of a disenchanted membership who feels marginalized because they cannot leave their facility to further their careers. Everyone who gets involved becomes rapidly disenchanted and the leadership who told the people to "get involved" further entrench themselves because the only ones who are left are the ones who benefit from their patronage. We must vote for term limits at convention in order to rotate people out of all positions for the betterment of the membership and for leadership more relatable to our daily plights.
What the fuck is going on with this leadership. They are basically promoting a brand instead of working for its members. And if that issue is brought up they shame you and block you from using your voice as a natca bue. It’s almost as if natca has become a separate branch of management.
If this isn’t the truth. It’s crazy. My ATM and facrep are bascially best friends. They work together to the detriment of our local. The paying members (especially those of lower seniority) are often ostracized, and the entire unions concerns at the local level seem to not be concern to this facrep …I mean as long as the ATM is happy he’s happy. Sounds more like a manager with a NATCA T-shirt to me.
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