Overpaid - How do I pay back?


Assistant to the Regional Moderator
I ♥ pointSixtyFive
Someone screwed up and I ended up with the lump sum instead of the June raise. They fixed it but weren't really clear on what to expect regarding paying back what I was overpaid. Anyone ever deal with this?
After the shutdown I had some pretty jacked-up paystubs...I had to leapfrog payroll at the FAA because they were so incompetent and ended up calling the DOI payroll help desk a few times, spoke with a lady over there who was super helpful who went over my paystubs line by line for the entirety of the shutdown (fwiw she said that I had the worst she'd seen by far). She said I might end up owing money because she initially thought I got overpaid, so I asked what the procedure was if this was indeed the case and she said that they would send a voucher by mail which you could then mail back a check with said payment.

After all was said and done, I ended up actually getting underpaid by $20 or something so I never had to actually follow through with the procedure so I cant verify the veracity of what she said, but she was probably the smartest HR person I've interfaced with in my time with the FAA.

I'd ask your sexretary for the DOI payroll help line to rectify sooner rather than later because if you got overpaid, they will probably compound their incompetency and wait until a week before you retire and then send a voucher for $45,000 to account for interest accrued throughout the entirety of your career.

I was feeling extra helpful this morning, you're welcome.

Click this mothafuckin link

I don’t know if it will be treated the same if you’re still an employee, but I left the FAA prior to the shutdown. I guess I was still considered an employee and ended up getting almost $4k extra. DOI sent me bills in the mail with instructions on how to repay it. I figured it would take a while before they caught the mistake, but they processed that quicker than each cert bump. I guess when you owe them it shoots to the top of the priority list. ?
Thanks for the info. Figures they can't just take it out of the next check. Gotta make me do a bunch of work.
Someone screwed up and I ended up with the lump sum instead of the June raise. They fixed it but weren't really clear on what to expect regarding paying back what I was overpaid. Anyone ever deal with this?
Dont worry, the government WILL get their money back. I was overpaid during the shutdown and received a letter in the mail from the DOI. They give you a couple options on repayment, but if you elect to delay repayment almost at all, they will charge you interest.
lol. Did we get interest when they didn't pay us for a month and a half? What a load of shite.
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