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I ♥ pointSixtyFive
I received a TOL for pool 1 on Dec 21st right before the shutdown. I've been reading into the CIL process, and it looks like I will have to be submitting my medical records from the VA for clearance. I have a 50% disability rating for back/knee pain, 10% of that is for PTSD. I received the PTSD because when asked if I have nightmares of my time deployed, I answered yes, even though it does not affect my day to day functionality as a person. I don't take any type of medication or have ever seen a shrink, and honestly I'd rather not have the rating if it's going to affect my employment chances. Any honest recommendations or similar experiences with getting medically cleared with this PTSD entry on my record? Any advice would be appreciated.
Same type of ratings here man, except add tinnitus. It's all in the flight surgeons hands, you might get tier 2 and it might be a while longer as you go through some psych evaluations. Don't fret about it, I went through perfectly fine.
Same type of ratings here man, except add tinnitus. It's all in the flight surgeons hands, you might get tier 2 and it might be a while longer as you go through some psych evaluations. Don't fret about it, I went through perfectly fine.
Hey man, thanks for the reassurance. Did you go through tier 2 as well? And if you did, do you mind sharing your timeline? Just need to give my wife a realistic expectation.
I didn't wind up going tier 2 surprisingly, there is a couple threads on here about it which have some good information. I feel that depending on your flight surgeon they take VA diagnosis with a humongous brain of salt.
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