Question about losses



If you have a deal or deviation does that go a "permanent record" of sorts? With ATSAP it just sounds like you report the incident and everything is "fine". But are there any repercussions, like hindering your ability to transfer or get a promotion or even resulting in de-certification?

Thanks (hopefully this isn't a security sensitive topic)
ATSAP has the ability to recommend skill enhancement training. My understanding is that only occurs if a pattern is detected. You can certainly be decertified if that is what your supervisor/upper level management deems to be necessary. Beyond that you will likely get a PROC which goes in your file.
Deals no longer follow controllers. I joined about 2 years b4 ATSAP. It's a whole new and better world with it to. The only way having a deal or even multiple deals can follow you is if the ATM of a facility you want to transfer to actually calls your facility and is told by whoever he/she talks to at your current facility. It's even very hard for your current facility to mess with you once you file your ATSAP. ATSAP is very much your friend and will save your neck!!

ATSAP has the ability to recommend skill enhancement training. My understanding is that only occurs if a pattern is detected. You can certainly be decertified if that is what your supervisor/upper level management deems to be necessary. Beyond that you will likely get a PROC which goes in your file.
No one cares about PROC's, they are pretty meaningless lol. Some would disagree, but most wouldn't
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