Shifts outside MOU


Trusted Contributor
Evening. Question regarding scheduling please. Can a BUE work a shift not written in the facility MOU? I was under the impression that management could only assign you core and ancillary shifts agreed in the MOU but if those shifts were covered, a BUE could REQ any shift since they are essentially an "extra" body/coverage.

Evening. Question regarding scheduling please. Can a BUE work a shift not written in the facility MOU? I was under the impression that management could only assign you core and ancillary shifts agreed in the MOU but if those shifts were covered, a BUE could REQ any shift since they are essentially an "extra" body/coverage.

Core and Ancillary shifts are for the BWS. Those are the shifts that NATCA/Managment will schedule you and they should comply with the guideline numbers agreed to in the MOU as well. Once the schedule is published, it’s no longer the BWS but now the PWS (that’s what we internally call it at our facility). With the schedule published, you can always request a shift change to anything you want. As long as it doesn’t cause a staffing or workload issue for the losing/gaining shifts, it shall be approved per Art 32 Sec 8.
Core and Ancillary shifts are for the BWS. Those are the shifts that NATCA/Managment will schedule you and they should comply with the guideline numbers agreed to in the MOU as well. Once the schedule is published, it’s no longer the BWS but now the PWS (that’s what we internally call it at our facility). With the schedule published, you can always request a shift change to anything you want. As long as it doesn’t cause a staffing or workload issue for the losing/gaining shifts, it shall be approved per Art 32 Sec 8.
Thank you kindly. I appreciate it. That's what I thought.
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