Shoot The Breeze 3.0

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Has natca said how many members they lost?
No. And they probably won’t. A lot of what you hear/see here is hearsay and is not confirmed. I think (just my own opinion) there probably is a significant amount of members who left the union or at least stopped donating to the PAC because it seems that national is pushing a lot of events in order to promote the PAC. At NATCA in Washington I think they said the PAC loss about 1M in donations (or some high 6 figure number) since 2019.
I’m not sure why the Dems haven’t just outright offered free rent/cell phones/food stamps & guaranteed basic income for people that vote Democrat.
Because liberals and progressives are vastly different people that are only represented by one party
Why not just cancel your own loans? Ya know….like a responsible adult lol.
I’m not advocating for this policy because I agree with you. Why else would Biden keep kicking this can down the road until August? Why not attempt to cancel them months ago? It starts to be pretty obvious when you think about the timing of when this moratorium on interest and payments ends.
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So we have a SAMHSA grant of $30 million that has nearly 20 provisions yet people are claiming that 1 or 2 provisions are going to account for the entire value of the grant and you think that isn’t false?

“Biden Admin Spending $30M To Give Crack Pipes, Drug Kits To Addicts For ‘Advancing Racial Equity'”

How is that not misleading and false? They are completely ignoring everything else the grant is being used for. If you’re going to be the Logic Police of .65 you need to start applying some of your own. Do better

There ya go. That's the 75 page Notice of Funding Opportunity in question. 75 pages and no reference of 'crack', 'cocaine', 'methamphetamine', or even 'pipe'. You can Control-f yourself if you want. The only mention is 'safe smoking kits/supplies'.

Zero mention of crack pipes to begin with and now HHS and the White House have denied that pipes will be included in the kits. So it was all bullshit from the start but I bet we'll be hearing about Biden subsidizing crack heads for the next 6 months. Cool world we live in

Remember this fun little discussion a few months ago? It definitely hasn't aged well:

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