Shoot The Breeze

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why am I the only one who gets blasted on here for using the F word?

i have a solution to furloughs ... but some peeps here won’t like it.

I wonder how the furlough call will go with a guy who did 20 years at ZNY and went to some level 6 tower to finish his career and got sent home with 0 certs. “Sorry you’ve been with us for 20 years, we have 2018 hires considered essential but you’re not so bye “
And that is exactly why it won't happen. You really make this argument easy. Because you keep basing it on trainees only. It just doesn't work like that. You keep using emotion over logic lol.

Wait. They reimburse you for taking public transportation?
Yup. I did it for a year

I’ve shit on a lot of trainees on this site, but I truly feel bad for you all. Not only is it stupid, it’s going to breed a generation of complacent controllers. To most it’s no fault of their own. I’m glad I got hired when I did because I don’t know if I could stay focused enough to deal with that online bullshit. Keep your head in it as much as you can. And just remember, you relearn everything when you get to your facility/on the floor anyway
I'm a CPC-IT making over 130k a year and earning 8 hours a pay period to stay home. Feel free to shit on me or feel bad for me. I really don't care either way. I'm totally good. The 8k pay raise will be nice whenever I do get a chance to train again and check out. But do you cool guy.
Yeah $260/mo. Not sure what other cities outside NYC where you could take the subway/bus to the facility but a free $3000/year was pretty dope...I mean that's like 65% of what my Hell's Kitchen monthly rent was so it was definitely worth it.
260 a month. Tf. Does it even cost that much?
260 a month. Tf. Does it even cost that much?
Depending on where you live, yeah. It was $40/mo for the AirTrain to JFK and then you could take either the subway or the LIRR train...subway was cheaper but took longer, LIRR came less frequently and was more expensive but was faster. When I lived in Brooklyn, subway was the only option, when I moved to Hells Kitchen I could walk 20 mins to Penn Station and take the LIRR to Jamaica which was like an hour to JFK...if I took the subway for some reason cuz the LIRR was jacked up, it was more like 1:15-1:30 one go 12 miles.

I usually spent right around the max, but if you lived in a further zone than the city out east on Long Island, it could cost more than the $260. One guy who lived like 30 mins east paid $300+ for his monthly transit.
Covers Portland and Denver as well. Only covered actual costs and receipt for reimbursement. I think it puts the money in your check so you’re double taxed!
They forced all of us to get a gov credit card late last year so no more filling out forms, just $260 limit on your credit card every month.

Edit: misread. Reimbursement is direct-deposited but not a line-item on your pay stub.
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Oh man, I didn’t see what was deleted and what is still up but complaining about a Mod decision on any discussion website is like a 7 year old little league baseball player fresh out of T-ball complaining to the 16 year old umpire a strike should have been a ball, it’s just never going go change the decision.
Epic response
This conspiracy theory may land, it may not, but pushing tin is actually Billy Bob Thornton continuing his role as a retired controller and fucking with people on the internet.

That'd be a lot better than being Dr. Freeze out on medical retirement :lol::rofl:
Oh man, I didn’t see what was deleted and what is still up but complaining about a Mod decision on any discussion website is like a 7 year old little league baseball player fresh out of T-ball complaining to the 16 year old umpire a strike should have been a ball, it’s just never going go change the decision.

It was pushingtin's exact rant but with like six words changed to be things pushingtin posts about.

That doesn't really make any sense though, are you suggesting that the mods on this site have been using forums since before the users were alive? Lol

It's more like a group of entitled white soccer mom's coming into a store every single day and yelling at the employees for not honoring their expired coupons. Then after 365 consecutive days of this an employee says "Seriously?" And then the manager writes them up.
It was pushingtin's exact rant but with like six words changed to be things pushingtin posts about.

That doesn't really make any sense though, are you suggesting that the mods on this site have been using forums since before the users were alive? Lol

It's more like a group of entitled white soccer mom's coming into a store every single day and yelling at the employees for not honoring their expired coupons. Then after 365 consecutive days of this an employee says "Seriously?" And then the manager writes them up.
Not only that, but most 7 year olds are still playing T-ball at that age, and at the very most would be playing a coach-pitched simulated baseball game. It’s highly unlikely there would even be umpires at that age level, and even more highly unlikely a 7 year old would have the mental faculties to understand a ball or strike and the strike zone in general. So now his entire argument is on the premise of some fantasy world where a 7 year old has a deep enough understanding of baseball rules to lodge a complaint about the location of a baseball over the plate that was pitched by a dad to an umpire that doesn’t exist. I cannot work with this metaphor.
I was already playing normal rules baseball at that age and that was in two different states, so 7 year olds are well past t-ball and understand the difference between a strike/ball/strike zone. There were even umpires if you can believe it!
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