Shoot The Breeze

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Its honestly impressive how much of a sheep you are. Do you endorse all of the Green New Deal?
Wow so you go from Benghazi nothing burger. To green new deal?

i believe that it’s a position that should be debated and we’d probably wind up with something less extreme be generally needed. Even China is taking climate change seriously now.
His statements he’s made on the campaign about not trusting the election, election fraud, not conceding, running for a 3rd term.

But they're all baseless, why lend credence to something that has already been found to have no relevance. He can't make states change electors, but states can force him to accept the result, he failed to provide voter fraud evidence already to judges, the Supreme Court upheld states sole rights over electors, and there is no possible way in hell an amendment would happen to allow a third term. Even if it's a tie, the House chooses the president.

Sometimes you gotta look at the guy and accept he has very little knowledge of how the things around him work. He wouldn't be able to change anything, it's designed to keep executive interference out of the way... now if we could fix the foreign that'd be nice.
The whole thing reads like House of Cards, except Francis Underwood was a sadistic mastermind and Trump thinks windmill noise causes cancer.
I.E, one could be successful at manipulating the election, one could not.
But they're all baseless, why lend credence to something that has already been found to have no relevance. He can't make states change electors, but states can force him to accept the result, he failed to provide voter fraud evidence already to judges, the Supreme Court upheld states sole rights over electors, and there is no possible way in hell an amendment would happen to allow a third term. Even if it's a tie, the House chooses the president.

Sometimes you gotta look at the guy and accept he has very little knowledge of how the things around him work. He wouldn't be able to change anything, it's designed to keep executive interference out of the way... now if we could fix the foreign that'd be nice.
Our system has never been tested against something like this. Even Nixon resigned
Our system has never been tested against something like this. Even Nixon resigned

Nixon resigned because he was going to be impeached and convicted, he was hemorrhaging Republican support. What that article describes is wholly unconstitutional and won't happen because it's impossible. It also wouldn't be the first contingent election.
Why do you think this is going to be the one issue where he backs down and accepts defeat? There’s no presedence to him doing this

Fucking this. When has something being unconstitutional stopped Trump from doing it? Him shitting all over the Emoluments Clause being the most glaring example of many.
Wow so you go from Benghazi nothing burger. To green new deal?

i believe that it’s a position that should be debated and we’d probably wind up with something less extreme be generally needed. Even China is taking climate change seriously now.
In Benghazi the U S State department ignored repeated requests from the ambassador there and as a result the ambassador and 3 other Americans died. Hillary Clinton admitted ultimate responsibility for this mistake. The Obama administration then went on national television and lied to the American people about the cause of the attack. Those are all facts. That should concern all Americans regardless of party. Did the republicans try to take advantage of it for political gain? No doubt as that is how Washington works. To call it a “nothing burger” is low and disrespectful to the brave Americans who died there. They were my brothers and I mourn them. You are part of the partisan rot that infects our country. Have you no shame?

No chance Trump tries to dispute the election!
Dude won’t even say he’ll commit to peaceful transition of power if he loses

In Benghazi the U S State department ignored repeated requests from the ambassador there and as a result the ambassador and 3 other Americans died. Hillary Clinton admitted ultimate responsibility for this mistake. The Obama administration then went on national television and lied to the American people about the cause of the attack. Those are all facts. That should concern all Americans regardless of party. Did the republicans try to take advantage of it for political gain? No doubt as that is how Washington works. To call it a “nothing burger” is low and disrespectful to the brave Americans who died there. They were my brothers and I mourn them. You are part of the partisan rot that infects our country. Have you no shame?
Well said sir
In Benghazi the U S State department ignored repeated requests from the ambassador there and as a result the ambassador and 3 other Americans died. Hillary Clinton admitted ultimate responsibility for this mistake. The Obama administration then went on national television and lied to the American people about the cause of the attack. Those are all facts. That should concern all Americans regardless of party. Did the republicans try to take advantage of it for political gain? No doubt as that is how Washington works. To call it a “nothing burger” is low and disrespectful to the brave Americans who died there. They were my brothers and I mourn them. You are part of the partisan rot that infects our country. Have you no shame?
Then why did a dozen Republican investigations find nothing? Hillary testified for 12 hours versus all the trump admin who won’t testify on anything
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