Shoot The Breeze

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Gaming monitor, massive upgrade. My eyes started hurting after all night gaming sessions and my old monitor had a 120hz refresh rate, this is so much... better at 165hz
Does it make a difference? I just started building a gaming rig and was just gonna hook it up to my 4K Vizio
Does it make a difference? I just started building a gaming rig and was just gonna hook it up to my 4K Vizio
depends on what you’re gonna play. Flightsim would probably look fine but FPS and other games with lots of input would have ghosting and tearing. Might hurt your eyes to stare at too.
I'm voting for Trump in 2020 because the Dems never gave him a chance from the beginning. They were talking impeachment before he even took office. I also Voted for Obama in 08 and 12, Hillary in 16.
My eyes just rolled into another dimension. They controlled all 3 branches of govt for the first 2 years of his term!
I'm voting for Trump in 2020 because the Dems never gave him a chance from the beginning. They were talking impeachment before he even took office. I also Voted for Obama in 08 and 12, Hillary in 16.
Yah fucking right.

some trump idiots like to make it looks like there’s some fracture in the dem party but saying stuff like this.
Yah fucking right.

some trump idiots like to make it looks like there’s some fracture in the dem party but saying stuff like this.
You don't have to believe me i really give no fucks what you think. I do know who i voted for in each election though.
In other news I bought a Omen 27i 165hz monitor today... Holy hell it was worth the money.
I'm wet...sadly my family leaves little free time...
Why tf wouldn’t people that served their jail time be allowed to vote. Where is that in the constitution
Right next to saying voting is a right. It's a state responsibility largely to discern who among their populace can vote
Anyone who thinks that “helping someone pay to become eligible to vote” and “paying someone to vote” are the same thing under the law should do some reading. As long as bloomy doesn’t discriminate when dispersing those funds there isn’t anything illegal about what he’s doing.
Legal of course but sketchy, if people accept this then the majority of your arguements against the Trump administration are moot. Consistency is a bitch.
I'm wet...sadly my family leaves little free time...

Right next to saying voting is a right. It's a state responsibility largely to discern who among their populace can vote

Legal of course but sketchy, if people accept this then the majority of your arguements against the Trump administration are moot. Consistency is a bitch.
Most of my argument against trump is that he’s a self serving idiot. Also I hold the president to a higher standard than Bloomberg’s ghoul ass
Most of my argument against trump is that he’s a self serving idiot. Also I hold the president to a higher standard than Bloomberg’s ghoul ass

I get that, I'm in the same boat. Dude's a complete tool and I'm surprised he functions as 'well' as he does. Nonetheless, if Bloomberg's actions aren't met with the same skepticism as if trump were to bus a ton of Appalachian bum fucks to the voting booth then a blatant bias is established and a lot of opinions are bullshit since an equality of judgment can't be met.

I.e. this is on par with the sketchy shit the orangutan does.
I get that, I'm in the same boat. Dude's a complete tool and I'm surprised he functions as 'well' as he does. Nonetheless, if Bloomberg's actions aren't met with the same skepticism as if trump were to bus a ton of Appalachian bum fucks to the voting booth then a blatant bias is established and a lot of opinions are bullshit since an equality of judgment can't be met.

I.e. this is on par with the sketchy shit the orangutan does.
Driving your base to vote isn’t cheating. Lmao. Do you think free ubers on Election Day is illegal?
Depending on the perspective it could be the exact opposite, Bloomberg bought out 36,000 votes.

Perspective or no, this isn't going to go anywhere. There's no monetary inducement for the felon, money goes right to the state. There's no "purity" test, they'll pay for whomever, and there's no requirement that the felon must vote for a particular candidate to qualify or even register to vote at all.

There's also a perspective that the Florida legislature targeted these same people to specifically exclude them from voting when they passed this requirement.
Perspective or no, this isn't going to go anywhere. There's no monetary inducement for the felon, money goes right to the state. There's no "purity" test, they'll pay for whomever, and there's no requirement that the felon must vote for a particular candidate to qualify or even register to vote at all.

There's also a perspective that the Florida legislature targeted these same people to specifically exclude them from voting when they passed this requirement.

I get that, and it isn't my arguement. Simply stating if it was a different person doing this there would be tons of people claiming legality issues, influence of a campaign, probably even possible bribery charges. Consistency in judgment is hard, but necessary.

No im not. I’d expect any successful grassroots campaign to drive people to the polls if there is a need to

You have quite literally missed it bud.
I get that, and it isn't my arguement. Simply stating if it was a different person doing this there would be tons of people claiming legality issues, influence of a campaign, probably even possible bribery charges. Consistency in judgment is hard, but necessary.

You have quite literally missed it bud.
So I literally haven’t. You said I’d be mad if trump drove his supporters to the polls so please xplain what you meant
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