Shoot The Breeze

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it’s ironic cause fox hired her after cnn fired her
That’s the joke. Imagine wanting money that bad you go work for Fox News. I wonder if these guys are all just BSing during commercials. Trump surrogate is like. HOW AM I GONNA SPIN THIS?! and dem surrogate is like lmao bruhh!!! That sucks!
like wtf even is this? You been spending too much time in r/iamverybadass or something?

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I always laugh when controllers go to this when arguing about something non atc related. Sure that’s great for your job that you can work some airplanes but it’s literally useless anywhere else in life. Our skill set doesn’t really translate to other industries.
I’m trying to be as bipartisan as I can during this election, but anyone want to go in with me and trademark “Irritable Biden Syndrome (IBS)?”
This is good. What’s the definition? Could go either way.
I always laugh when controllers go to this when arguing about something non atc related. Sure that’s great for your job that you can work some airplanes but it’s literally useless anywhere else in life. Our skill set doesn’t really translate to other industries.
The next time everyone walks into his/her control room, look for the weakest controller. If you can’t find him or’s you. And supes or TMU specialists don’t count
The next time everyone walks into his/her control room, look for the weakest controller. If you can’t find him or’s you. And supes or TMU specialists don’t count
i don't delude myself into thinking I'm the most badass controller in the room, but I'm definitely not the worst either.
Whats worse, a fraudulent election or a non-fraudulant election that people claim is fraudulent so they can keep their guy in office.
Just read someone's dissertation on Trump being chosen by God and I briefly wanted to die. There are people that would use God and the notion of God's infallibility to justify Trump not turning over the keys.
Frankly I see this as more dangerous than a fraudulent election: millions of people not accepting the results of a legitimate election.

Thats the deepest seed of discord Russia could plant.
Whats worse, a fraudulent election or a non-fraudulant election that people claim is fraudulent so they can keep their guy in office.
Just read someone's dissertation on Trump being chosen by God and I briefly wanted to die. There are people that would use God and the notion of God's infallibility to justify Trump not turning over the keys.
Frankly I see this as more dangerous than a fraudulent election: millions of people not accepting the results of a legitimate election.

Thats the deepest seed of discord Russia could plant.
If it's fraudulent there will be many different ways to prove it. If it isn't, then there won't be.
If it's fraudulent there will be many different ways to prove it. If it isn't, then there won't be.

I dont know if its that simple, though. How one defines fraudulent nowadays varies. (Shouldn't vary, but it does)
People are calling the whole COVID numbers fraudulent because there are claims COVID was marked as cause of death when it was really something else. And if that happened 1, 10, 100, 1000 times, then thats their ground to call the whole thing a hoax, despite the 199,000 other legitimate cases.

So if Joe Schmo says he voted for Trump but he doesn't think it got counted, you'll have people calling the whole thing fraud.
Then they’ll say Donna Brazile helped him. Or they’ll call Chris Wallace a dem
Chris Wallace is a dem.

I always laugh when controllers go to this when arguing about something non atc related. Sure that’s great for your job that you can work some airplanes but it’s literally useless anywhere else in life. Our skill set doesn’t really translate to other industries.
This an atc forum or another industry forum.
This an atc forum or another industry forum.
It’s an atc forum that you’re arguing about politics on. If you wanna make “the baddest controller in the NAS” thread and try to hash it out there then go ahead. My guess is most of the time you don’t get rated at a80 if you suck so I don’t need to have that conversation with you.
Right, so how’s everyone’s breaks at work with staffing? And if it’s decent are you still 5/5 5/10 BWS? We’re hour and 45 on 25 off today and 5/5.
Today is my last day of 5/5. I get 4 days off then back to BWS. feelsbadman
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