Shoot The Breeze

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Really kinda makes you long for the days where it was just mnsalty bitching about NATCA & returning to training, eh? It was a simpler time just 3 weeks ago...
Honestly if they just deleted this thread and stuck to mostly ATC related stuff, I think it would be for the best. I fully supported the Shoot the Shit thread but didn't realize the monster it would create.
well you’re an idiot then
There’s the left. You’re either with us or you’re an idiot. Look he gets it we may not have a union. I’d rather have to fight that battle which would be hard to make thru congress and even if it does I’ll live with it because I’m tired of seeing socialism tear into the once progressive left. And now it’s just if you vote blue it’s universal everything and free everything. Fuck that. Work for things and don’t bitch when something isn’t handed to you.

anyone voting Trump in this election is an idiot.
I’m an idiot. And I’ll also show you how to work airplanes. Fuckinng N90 lol.

That’s funny.

cant wait to use Biden Derangment Syndrome.
You won’t have an opportunity. 5 days till Numbnuts gets the rona and cant debate vs Trump.
You won’t have an opportunity. 5 days till Numbnuts gets the rona and cant debate vs Trump.
Of all the trump miscalculations re Biden I think this is my favorite. Make him out to be Lennie from of mice and men and when he shows up and actually can make an argument he looks like a genius.
Of all the trump miscalculations re Biden I think this is my favorite. Make him out to be Lennie from of mice and men and when he shows up and actually can make an argument he looks like a genius.
All he has to do is keep bringing up the transfer of power thing over and over and over.
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