Shoot The Breeze

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Usually the counter argument to that is the population is bigger, so you need more dead people to equal a different dead people, instead it should be police reform is a legitimate topic. Addressing the mindset of the "Thin Blue Line", militarization, and properly staffing emergency services should take precedence.
The counter argument to that is that young black males are much more likely to be involved in violent crime and thus much more likely to be in a situation where force might be used. Black males make up about 6% of the population but commit over half the murders. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008. A recent peer reviewed study by Michigan State University along with the University of Maryland has found no evidence of racial bias in police shooting. The media willfully ignores facts because it does not fit the narrative which only drives racial animosity. This hurts all of us but brings them more viewers and profits. The woke brigade screams for change but says nothing about what they could call for that would immediately bring results. Ask their many followers to quit committing felonies. Failing that ask them to not resist arrest. We have challenges to address in the ways we treat each other and police should be judged appropriately when they break the law. However by driving a false narrative which costs people their lives and the country countless pain and economic damage, the woke brigade has innocent people’s blood on their hands.
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The counter argument to that is that young black males are much more likely to be involved in violent crime and thus much more likely to be in a situation where force might be used. Black males make up about 6% of the population but commit over half the murders. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008. A recent peer reviewed study by Michigan State University along with the University of Maryland has found no evidence of racial bias in police shooting. The media willfully ignores facts because it does not fit the narrative which only drives racial animosity. This hurts all of us but brings them more viewers and profits. The woke brigade screams for change but says nothing about what they could call for that would immediately bring results. Ask their many followers to quit committing felonies. Failing that ask them to not resist arrest. We have challenges to address in the ways we treat each other and police should be judged appropriately when they break the law. However by driving a false narrative which costs people their lives and the country countless pain and economic damage, the woke brigade has innocent people’s blood on their hands.

And the prison systems drive people into cycles of recidivism that pierces through generations and perpetually drives everything you provided. It's true all of it, but a key to understanding the issue is understanding the causation of the issue. Simply spouting statistics doesn't mean anything unless there is information to be derived from it. I'm not refuting anything you mentioned, I'm saying that the solution with which our society chose is bullshit and damaging further, our justice system is broken, our police are overly hostile, and mental health is lacking overall.

I grew up down the street from Pelican Bay, prisons are my favorite topic, I'm game.
And the prison systems drive people into cycles of recidivism that pierces through generations and perpetually drives everything you provided. It's true all of it, but a key to understanding the issue is understanding the causation of the issue. Simply spouting statistics doesn't mean anything unless there is information to be derived from it. I'm not refuting anything you mentioned, I'm saying that the solution with which our society chose is bullshit and damaging further, our justice system is broken, our police are overly hostile, and mental health is lacking overall.

I grew up down the street from Pelican Bay, prisons are my favorite topic, I'm game.
I have a direct and close understanding of the prison system (purposely vague). I don’t disagree with anything you said. We have issues we need to address and we lock up way too many people for way too long. I feel we could cut most sentences in half, spend the savings on programs to aide convicts reintegration into society and still come out ahead both financially and societally. That doesn’t make what the media and the woke mob is doing right. The damage they are doing to our country is real and does little to help those they claim they are championing.
I have a direct and close understanding of the prison system (purposely vague). I don’t disagree with anything you said. We have issues we need to address and we lock up way too many people for way too long. I feel we could cut most sentences in half, spend the savings on programs to aide convicts reintegration into society and still come out ahead both financially and societally. That doesn’t make what the media and the woke mob is doing right. The damage they are doing to our country is real and does little to help those they claim they are championing.
They tried to take a knee and people got mad about that. No one is listening to them
And the prison systems drive people into cycles of recidivism that pierces through generations and perpetually drives everything you provided. It's true all of it, but a key to understanding the issue is understanding the causation of the issue. Simply spouting statistics doesn't mean anything unless there is information to be derived from it. I'm not refuting anything you mentioned, I'm saying that the solution with which our society chose is bullshit and damaging further, our justice system is broken, our police are overly hostile, and mental health is lacking overall.

I grew up down the street from Pelican Bay, prisons are my favorite topic, I'm game.

Mostly agree. But I've always maintained that the issue is less that police kill people, more that they do so disproportionately among race. And then that may lead to statistics about black crime rates being higher, but then you have to investigate the whys of that, and as you mentioned, it can come down to those cycles of recidivism that people are driven into. Hence, I've never felt that tackling police brutality is going to do us as much good as tackling those other elements of systemic racism. You might make dents in how many unarmed people police kill by focusing specifically on that issue, but I've already seen cases where we think we made a dent by retraining/additional training, and then a few years later someone gets killed despite that and the pubic acts as though the police never got that rehabilitation to begin with.

Again, we might be able to get the number lower, but I don't think at this point that the BLM organization would be satisfied even if the numbers lowered to being proportionate among race. We've lost our objectivity.
I have a direct and close understanding of the prison system (purposely vague). I don’t disagree with anything you said. We have issues we need to address and we lock up way too many people for way too long. I feel we could cut most sentences in half, spend the savings on programs to aide convicts reintegration into society and still come out ahead both financially and societally. That doesn’t make what the media and the woke mob is doing right. The damage they are doing to our country is real and does little to help those they claim they are championing.

I agree with that as well, groups like BLM don't contribute to the overall issue, they perpetuate it through misguided understanding of the issue. The worst part is when people divide themselves, much like BLM, believing the current issues facing society are racial in nature instead of classist.
I agree with that as well, groups like BLM don't contribute to the overall issue, they perpetuate it through misguided understanding of the issue. The worst part is when people divide themselves, much like BLM, believing the current issues facing society are racial in nature instead of classist.
How is it classist? They told millionaire kapernik the same thing
That he took a knee for civil rights and they called him Un American and blacklisted him. These guys March for the same thing and they tell them to fuck off. Then they get violent.

I feel like we're talking about different things. At least, I didn't think the comment about classism was referring to what is being said to Kap and BLM protestors on the street.
I feel like we're talking about different things. At least, I didn't think the comment about classism was referring to what is being said to Kap and BLM protestors on the street.

32andBelow is just a bunch if DNC prerecorded messages, he'll uphold Biden and Harris who are responsible for more minority imprisonment than anyone in recent history and turnaround and preach Kapernick all day.
anyone voting Trump in this election is an idiot.
For the record, I don’t like Trump and I think He is a narcissist who is more interested in the stock market than anything else. But anyone thinking Biden/Harris are the saviors for the “existential crisis” that is Trump is also an idiot. I’ll probably be voting third party this election like I did in 2016. My conscious won’t allow me to vote for either of these two.
That he took a knee for civil rights and they called him Un American and blacklisted him. These guys March for the same thing and they tell them to fuck off. Then they get violent.
What a joke. They had the world behind them after Floyd. There wasn’t a single person or media I saw that wasn’t 100% on his side and against the police. Then they started burning shit down and assaulting people with different view points. Taking over city blocks. They lost other support of over half the nation I’d bet.
Don’t forget the controversy when the evil Christian Tebow took a knee. You strike me as the kind of guy that wants Muslims to be excused for special prayer time in school while the kid who brings a bible is suspended.
For the record, I don’t like Trump and I think He is a narcissist who is more interested in the stock market than anything else. But anyone thinking Biden/Harris are the saviors for the “existential crisis” that is Trump is also an idiot. I’ll probably be voting third party this election like I did in 2016. My conscious won’t allow me to vote for either of these two.

a dead dog would be a savior over Trump, and more importantly, the sycophants in his administration.
I agree with that as well, groups like BLM don't contribute to the overall issue, they perpetuate it through misguided understanding of the issue. The worst part is when people divide themselves, much like BLM, believing the current issues facing society are racial in nature instead of classist.
The BLM crowd is not interested in real change. They conveniently ignore the First Step Act which was real progress in the over incarnation of young black men. It was bipartisan and endorsed by the ACLU among groups on both the left and the right. It did more for young black men in a real way than anything Obama/Biden did in 8 years. It certainly did more than Kamala Harris did as a prosecutor. The driving force behind its passing were the “racists” Donald Trump and Jared Kushner. Facts are so inconvenient when all you are interested in is a driving a narrative.
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