Shoot The Breeze

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Glenn Greenwald resigned from the Intercept today because they tried to censor his Hunter Biden story. Greenwald is about as far from a Fox News-type as you can get, so his story would have been pretty neutral. This media censorship is nuts, and anyone denying the bias has their head firmly in the sand.

He posted the story for all to read, and it’s sourced and balanced:

Glenn Greenwald resigned from the Intercept today because they tried to censor his Hunter Biden story. Greenwald is about as far from a Fox News-type as you can get, so his story would have been pretty neutral. This media censorship is nuts, and anyone denying the bias has their head firmly in the sand.

He posted the story for all to read, and it’s sourced and balanced:

I particularly like this excerpt. “But but our intelligence community!!!” ?

“Numerous news outlets, including the Intercept, quickly cited a public letter signed by former CIA officials and other agents of the security state claiming that the documents have the “classic trademarks" of a “Russian disinformation” plot. But, as media outlets and even intelligence agencies are now slowly admitting, no evidence has ever been presented to corroborate this assertion. On Friday, the New York Times reported that “no concrete evidence has emerged that the laptop contains Russian disinformation” and the paper said even the FBI has “acknowledged that it had not found any Russian disinformation on the laptop.””
Glenn Greenwald resigned from the Intercept today because they tried to censor his Hunter Biden story. Greenwald is about as far from a Fox News-type as you can get, so his story would have been pretty neutral. This media censorship is nuts, and anyone denying the bias has their head firmly in the sand.

He posted the story for all to read, and it’s sourced and balanced:

I read the story, also read the original NY post story.

It’s literally evidence that Hunter Biden was trading on his family‘s name, and conjecture that that is somehow evidence of corruption on the part of both Hunter and Joe Biden. What I saw in the original story and echoed here, is a jump in logic from Hunter doing his job and Joe doing the job of the VP.

I hate to say this but the NY post story reminded me of a QAnon dump.
Glenn Greenwald resigned from the Intercept today because they tried to censor his Hunter Biden story. Greenwald is about as far from a Fox News-type as you can get, so his story would have been pretty neutral. This media censorship is nuts, and anyone denying the bias has their head firmly in the sand.

He posted the story for all to read, and it’s sourced and balanced:

Hunter seems like a low life. Next thing you know he’ll be stealing money from charities!
I read the story, also read the original NY post story.

It’s literally evidence that Hunter Biden was trading on his family‘s name, and conjecture that that is somehow evidence of corruption on the part of both Hunter and Joe Biden. What I saw in the original story and echoed here, is a jump in logic from Hunter doing his job and Joe doing the job of the VP.

I hate to say this but the NY post story reminded me of a QAnon dump.
And what of the media censorship? The double standard with Trump’s tax returns?

We heard for years that we need to investigate Trump because “where there’s smoke, there’s fire,” and all of these Hunter Biden emails are a M18 smoke grenade. The media’s outright refusal to report on these connections is insane.
Greenwald is one of the few true journalists left who speak truth to power. He quotes Matt Taibbi a lot in there who has also done a lot of big time excellent reporting over the last 15 years or so.

Frankly I'm glad someone is doing stories on this, as they should, and to say it's any less credible or more of a stretch than any of the Trump stuff is asinine, because it's absolutely not and deserves just as much attention as anything else, and I'm sure we will be hearing more and more about this in the coming months (at least we should), as these are questions that deserves answers.

To think bias in media doesn't exist, and this is somehow a non story because of the letter next to Joe Biden's name on the ballot makes you a partisan shill, and the reporters who refuse to report on it are failing the American people.

It's shit like this that tells me how fucked we all are, regardless of who wins, because if you think the endless hearings, leaks, and corruption are gonna stop on nov 4th.... You are dreaming.

Congrats America, you played yourself, yet again.
Can you imagine profiting of your dads name?! And their key witness is like bababooey or something.
Wait, so Trump's kids did it so thats okay now? Can't they both be wrong?

And attacking a dudes name. How woke of you.

And you wonder why people call you a mindless shill.

How many people in conversation have thought AT Controllers are those orange stick guys with all of you? I’m too early in the career to have an interaction like that.
In my time between the military and civ controlling, I've gotten that legitimately like maybe twice. I've made the joke myself much more often than I've actually gotten it.
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